ACPE UAN: 0475-0000-15-028-L04-P. An application based activity.
Evidence based medicine is a skill that needs to be understood and applied in our clinical practice. In this workshop the concepts of evidence will be introduced along with a presentation of some tools to get to grips with published research, these include the concept of a hierarchy of evidence, the place of systematic reviews and randomised controlled trials for intervention reviews and study types that may be useful when standard trials are not possible. There will be a brief look at some reliable sources of evidence. The workshop will also provide an opportunity for a hands on examination of a systematic review using an assessment tool to open up its positive and negative points. The workshop is primarily aimed at those who haven’t previously explored this topic or who want to develop their skills in appraisal.
Teaching goals:
• To present an overview of evidence based medicine;
• To give participants some tools to assess the quality of research to inform practice;
• To understand the principles of critical appraisal.
Learning objectives:
Participants should be able:
• to understand why evidence based practice is important;
• to more effectively appraise evidence;
• to introduce the skills gained into their daily work.