The EAHP Board, elected for three-year terms, oversees the association’s activities. Comprising directors responsible for core functions, it meets regularly to implement strategic goals. Supported by EAHP staff, the Board controls finances, coordinates congress organization, and ensures compliance with statutes and codes of conduct.
Seminar P4 – Sharing pharmacy information for safer transition of care
Hall E2
Valladolid Walsh, Ana
Linked to EAHP Statements:
Section 1: introductory statements and governance
Section 2: selection, procurement and distribution
Section 4: clinical pharmacy services
Section 5: patient safety and quality assurance
ACPE UAN: 0475-0000-16-009-L04-P. A knowledge based activity.
Information is power, and when information is related to a patient’s treatment it is also safety and improved clinical outcomes.
Pharmacy departments collect and record much valuable data related to the patients medications, compliance, occurrence of adverse drug reactions etc.: yet this information is not available usually for other stakeholders (community pharmacists, physicians, nurses).
Approximately half of all hospital-related medication errors and 20% of all adverse drug events have been attributed to poor communication at the transitions and interfaces of care. Shared information systems designed to improve communication among health care professionals can support medication reconciliation through interface design and significantly improve performance and safety.
What seems to be clear is that medication reconciliation requires an interdisciplinary and collaborative approach, and the hospital pharmacist together with the information available in the Pharmacy Department is vital to this key process.
Teaching goals:
• To recognise the importance of sharing information generated by Pharmacy Services with other health care providers;
• To identify which information is useful and for whom;
• To meet examples of successful integration of pharmacy information and levels of care with other stakeholders.
Learning objectives
After the seminar, the participants should be able:
• to identify information that can improve transitions of care when shared with other stakeholders;
• to list hospital-based strategies to do so.
Keywords: Communication, medication errors, adverse drug events, medicine reconciliation.