A recent pan European survey of hospital pharmacy production (pharmacy preparation) has shown big variations in volume and quality of final products. As patients treated with pharmacy preparations are crossing country boarders the consequence could be a change in treatment outcomes, not being acceptable to day. The survey was carried out by a working party within the European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines and Health (EDQM) (former: European Pharmacopoeia). The working party has suggested a resolution for more uniform regulation for pharmacy preparations to be imposed by the Council of Europe. The draft for resolution is presented by the first speaker of the seminar, opening a discussion on the future for pharmacy preparations still being a challenge for hospital pharmacist.
As hospital pharmacist it is hard to see the future of our profession without having pharmacy preparation as an integrated part of the service. Can we manage the challenge of increasing the product quality and quality control of these products? A point of view from industry will discuss the opportunities for the future.
Teaching goals:
- Summarize the EU legislation for pharmacy preparation and give a short overview of the situation across Europe.
- Present the findings of the EDQM survey on the quality of pharmacy preparations in Europe.
- Discuss the need for a common European standard for pharmacy preparation and present a proposal for this.
- Show the need for pharmacy prepared medication.
- Present a industry view on the need for pharmacy preparations
Learning objectives:
After the presentation the participant should:
- Understand the need for a common European quality standard for hospital pharmacy prepared drugs.
- Be aware of preparations for the needs of patients where pharmaceutical industry is not able to deliver.