Linked to EAHP Statements:
Section 6: Education and Research
ACPE UAN: 0475-0000-17-024-L04-P. An application based activity.
Starting research, in a small or large scale, without proper planning, without a pilot study, with vague methodology and a non-described, ineffective intervention should not be allowed – as it is a waste of resources, disheartening and will not take the evidence base forward. Guidance should be sought and taken into consideration. The intervention should be implemented and running smoothly before being evaluated. The researchers should be humble and ready to change their view points – yet stubborn in the pursuit of getting the work done.
In this interactive session the presenters will guide the participants through the hard but rewarding task of designing an original research study in pharmacy practice, with tips and recommendations, warning examples – in a cheerful spirit of sharing ideas and experiences.
Learning Objectives
After the interactive session, the participant should be able to:
• outline the protocol for a scientifically sound research study;
• appraise strengths and weaknesses with studies found in literature and argue for methods chosen.
Keywords: Pharmacy practice research, designing a study, study protocol
* No conflict of interest has been declared.