Linked to EAHP Statements
Section 1 – Introductory Statements and Governance: Statement 1.2, 1.3
Section 4 – Clinical Pharmacy Services: Statement 4.8
ACPE UAN: 0475-0000-21-010-L04-P. A knowledge-based activity.
The aim of Benchmarking is to improve outcomes by the identification of best practice and comparison with our own. This system can provide a structured approach to develop the way we work, and if well implemented, it can also be a motivating force for our team to change the way things are done.
Clinical pharmacists are dedicated to promoting safe and effective drug therapy and enhancing patient outcomes. Applying this system to clinical services offered by the pharmacy department can have a direct impact on patient care. But how can this be done? What clinical pharmacy key performance indicators should be used? Is our team made-up by personnel from our department only?
Benchmarking experiences will be shared with attendants with the spirit of collaboration that this system is all about!
Learning objectives
After the session, participants should be able to:
• describe what steps should be taken in order to benchmark clinical services;
• present successful clinical services benchmarking experiences.
Educational need addressed
Hospital pharmacy managers, as well as clinical pharmacists, have the responsibility of optimising resources to obtain the best results in patient care. Learning from those with the best performance and knowing how to transfer this knowledge to our own organisation is necessary to achieve this goal.
Keywords: clinical pharmacy, benchmarking, performance indicators, pharmacology, drug Information, pharmaceutical care.