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The BAZ Central County Central Hospital and University Teaching Hospital is a public-funded teaching hospital located in Miscolk, Hungary. This hospital cannot provide financial grants to SILCC Fellows but please keep in mind that EAHP can provide limited financial help to SILCC Fellows (contact the EAHP Implementation team at for more details about our financial help).

  • Number of beds served by the hospital pharmacy: more than 1000
  • Number of pharmacists employed: 21
  • Number of pharmacy technicians: 34
  • Pharmacy support stuff: 7
  • Number of trainees: 3

The pharmacy staff speaks English and Hungarian.

Description of the training

The BAZ Central County Central Hospital and Univerisy Teaching Hospital will provide training on the following Statements:

1.1 The overarching goal of the hospital pharmacy service is to optimise patient outcomes through working collaboratively within multidisciplinary teams in order to achieve the responsible use of medicines across all settings.

1.5 Hospital pharmacists should work with all relevant stakeholders to develop hospital pharmacy human resource plans covering the breadth of hospital pharmacy practice. These should be aligned to engage hospital pharmacists as supervisors in all steps of all medicine use processes to meet health needs and priorities across public and private sectors that optimise medicines use and patient outcomes

4.1 Hospital pharmacists should be involved in all patient care settings to prospectively influence collaborative, multidisciplinary therapeutic decision-making; they should play a full part in decision making including advising, implementing and monitoring medication changes in full partnership with patients, carers and other health care professionals.

5.1 The “seven rights” (the right patient, right medicine, right dose, right route, right time, right information and right documentation) should be fulfilled in all medicines-related activities in the hospital.

6.3 A European-wide framework for initial post graduate education and training in hospital pharmacy with an assessment of individual competence is essential. In addition, hospital pharmacists should engage in relevant educational opportunities at all stages of their career

Outline of the training experience provided by BAZ Central County Central Hospital and Univerisy Teaching Hospital:

“Unit dose system-automated packing and dispensing system, compounding injections and infusions, preparing steril medication for pediatric use, computer-aided thereapy for Oncoloy, parental nutrition, cilinical trials, aseptic tecniques, hospital pharmacy services”

Duration of the training: from 3 to 5 days.

Apply to become a SILCC Fellow at the BAZ Central County Central Hospital and Univerisy Teaching Hospital

Please fill out the following form and send it back to with the subject “SILCC Fellow application form”. 

If you have more questions about the BAZ Central County Central Hospital and Univerisy Teaching Hospital n and the training they will provide, please contact the EAHP Implementation team at

Please remember that in addition to the SILCC Fellow form, you need to send the following documents after assessing your pharmacy using the self-assessment tool with your colleagues and Chief pharmacist/Directory of Pharmacy: