European Statement
Production and Compounding
Castejón Grao, I; García Zafra, V; RodrÍguez Morote, M; Jiménez Pulido, IP; Andujar Mateos, A; Murcia López, AC.
Why was it done?
The pharmacist is responsible for magistral formulations in hospitals. Paper-based methods can lead to errors so the software was integrated between 07/2022-06/2023 aiming to reduce human errors,optimize preparation times,standardize procedures,improve stock management, formula traceability and enable statistical analysis capabilities of the area.
What was done?
CPFarma® software was implemented to control the programming, preparation, validation, and dispensing of magistral formulas. It facilitated proper management of the processes involved in galenic preparations at a tertiary-level university hospital.
How was it done?
The implementation of CPFarma® software involved the following stages:
1. Creation of user accounts and permissions.
2. Introduction of active pharmaceutical ingredients and raw materials, including batch and expiry details.
3. Inclusion of packaging materials,tools and required clothing for each preparation.
4. Transfer of Standard Operating Procedures(SOPs) in three phases:
4.1. Integration of the original SOP for each formula.
4.2. Revision and validation of SOPs and associated calculations.
4.3. Determination of active and passive SOPs.
5. Association of patient information sheets.
6. Drafting of a programme use protocol.
7. Training personnel on software use.
8. Validation in daily practice situations.
What has been achieved?
Until August 31, 2024, 249 SOPs (averaging 85 monthly) have been incorporated into the database, 74,7%(186) active and 25,3%(63) passive status, standardizing procedures. The system also includes 67 primary packaging materials and 275 components (185 active ingredients,16 base formulations and 74 excipients), improving stock control.
A total of 1279 magistral formulas have been prepared and validated by a pharmacist:54%(693) for usual stock,40%(510) for specific patients and 6%(76) with no record available. Each formula includes a preparation guide that includes detailed records to ensure traceability, such as patient information,prescriber details and preparation order number. There is also a computerized recipe book with histories filterable for statistical analysis.
No human errors have been detected in the preparation since the program’s implementation, and the patient information sheet helps prevent medication errors.
What next?
Efforts are being made to improve the system by adding features like a barcode reader for batch entry and registering personnel that dispense and collect medication. CPFarma® has optimized magistral formulation management, so Pharmacy Services without specialized software could benefit to improve their practices through its implementation.