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User satisfaction assessment in outpatient pharmaceutical consultations: results and future perspectives


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European Statement

Patient Safety and Quality Assurance


Eva Gomez-Costa, Purificacion Cid-Silva, Juan Luis Hurtado-Bouza, Laura Caeiro-Martinez , Pablo Feijoo-Vilanova, Andrea Luaces-Rodriguez, Sandra Rotea-Salvo, Alejandro Martinez-Pradeda , Maria Isabel Martin-Herranz

Why was it done?

The purpose is to identify deficiencies and improvement areas in the outpatient consultation area for evaluation and proposal of possible solutions.

What was done?

Implementation of an user satisfaction evaluation system for outpatient consultations at the Pharmacy Service of a tertiary-level hospital and initial results assessment.

How was it done?

The system was put into operation in January 2023 through a QR code placed in each consultation room and in the waiting areas accessible to all patients. The survey allows for differentiation between the different pharmacy service centers in the hospital, patient-caregiver patient category, age group, and whether it was the first consultation or an appointment for treatment continuation. Users can rate aspects related to information, waiting time from the appointment time to receiving attention, the professionalism of the staff, respect for privacy, pharmaceutical information about the treatment, and the facilities. This rating can be classified into: very good, good, bad, very bad, except for the waiting time: reasonable or excessive. Final question is an overall assessment of the service from 0 to 10. Survey allows for comments or suggestions.

What has been achieved?

A total of 86 surveys were conducted between January and September 2023. The majority were from users of the pharmacy service in the main building of the university hospital complex (82.6%). 10.6% were from first-time appointment and were mainly patients who answered (67.4%). Age groups: 65 years (12.8%). Regarding the evaluation, the results were: information about appointments, 51.8% very good; waiting time from the appointment time to receiving attention, 59.3% reasonable; professionalism of the staff, 59.3% very good; respect for privacy, 59.3% very good; pharmaceutical information about the treatment, 51.2% very good. The evaluation of facilities where pharmaceutical care is provided to the patient were: 33.7% bad and 9.3% very bad. The average score for the overall assessment was 6.7 points.

What next?

The evaluation of the information obtained from the surveys will serve as a basis for implementing corrective measures and possible improvements. The progressive increase in the number of survey will facilitate the detection of new issues and allow us to track changes in user satisfaction over time.


EAHP Forum

All the EAHP team is working on providing a Forum that can help connect all the members in Conversations and Groups to talk about important matters for the European Hospital Pharmacist.

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Conversations and groups

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The Groups will connect all members that share a category. Members who work on the same assocation, on the same hospital, that have the same role, etc.

Stay tuned for the realase of the forum. Soon on EAHP.