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Can my medicine be returned to the refrigerator? Minimisation of wastage in case of storage incidents of cold-chain homecare medications
European Statement
Clinical Pharmacy Services
Hilde Omestad, Maria Grønkjær Abrahamsen, Fatima Afif Mouaanaki, Charlotte Mosbæk Dybdahl, Anne Wulff Petersen, Emil Dalsgaard Züricho, Philip Hojrizi, Charlotte Arp Sørensen
Why was it done?
The sustainability strategy of the Central Denmark Region include less consumption and less waste. Our Pharmacy delivers an increasing amount of high-cost homecare medications, requiring refrigerator storage. In case of an accidental temperature exposure, patients may ask whether their medicine can be used or not. There may be a delay during transport or a breakdown of their refrigerator at home. During these medicines’ shelf-lives, most products can be kept at room temperature for days, weeks or months. When SmPC and the insert package leaflet says that the product should not be returned to the refrigerator, high-cost medicines sometimes are wasted, only because of this warning, instead of giving them a shorter shelf-life. When we hesitate to return packages to the refrigerator, time can elapse while waiting for the manufacturer’s or pharmacist’s answers to the patient’s questions after storage incidents.
What was done?
The Hospital Pharmacy categorized 47 Blood Coagulation Factors and Monoclonal Antibody Products requiring storage at 2-8 °C if Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC) had any warning of returning a product to the refrigerator or not, after an unwanted time at room temperature
How was it done?
We asked manufacturers if a return of their product to the refrigerator would cause any harm. Should their product be disposed of because it has been put back into a refrigerator after being left out? Our findings were documented in a local guideline and in the Danish national information database (SAID).
Drug Information Pharmacists discussed several cases of real-world handling situations to be more confident to reduce medicine wastage.
What has been achieved?
Being aware of the reasons for these warnings, reduced medicine wastage in certain cases of incidental storage. The pharmacists have been given tools for pharmaceutical professional assessments in cases of temperature challenges.
What next?
Spread the good news. Improve communication between manufacturer and pharmacy, because manufacturer can’t be responsible for storage different from their SmPC. Inspire manufacturers to improve their storage warnings in SmPC