Implementation of a simple continuing training programme for retraining operators in a clean room production
European Statement
Education and Research
Maria Agerboe Sondrup, Anette Sand Østergaard
Why was it done?
Training of operators has previously been performed, however there was no consistent programme for continuing training in the department to secure optimal training of operators. Equally the effectivity and durability of the training was not evaluated. The aim was to establish a thorough system for continuing training focusing on ongoing confirmation of proper training as well as adaptation and optimization throughout.
What was done?
A programme for continuing training of operators was designed and implemented in a clean room production department by GMP-responsible operators and academics.
How was it done?
A template was designed for the programme. One module takes up to 3 months.
The template is the following:
– Trainers observe operators in a clean room
– Current technique is observed and if necessary corrected
Training material:
– Developing educational material based on SOPs
– Short videos, PowerPoint presentations etc.
Individual training:
– Operators answer handed out multiple choice questionnaire (MCQ) by themselves
Group training:
– The correct answers to the MCQ are presented by the trainers at a plenary session
– All answers are discussed
– Trainers observe operators in a clean room
– Current technique is observed and if necessary corrected
– Trainers evaluate the training in terms of improvement from the first to the second observation
– Trainers write a report that is presented to the operators
What has been achieved?
A systematic and relatively simple training programme has been implemented. This streamlines the training of operators, thereby making it easier for the trainers to introduce new subjects and ensures that all new operators are trained the same as the experienced operators. The programme also makes the training system recognizable for the operators, which gives a higher compliance.
What next?
The program has only been implemented on processes related to production in clean room, but the training method can easily be applied to subjects outside of the clean room or in other healthcare settings. To involve the operators in the process, the second observation could be delegated to other operators and not just the trainers.