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Rationalising prescribing of unlicensed specials to children
European Statement
Clinical Pharmacy Services
Helen Cooper, Sheatha Abumehdi
Why was it done?
A lack of licensed formulations for children means that use of unlicensed and off-label medicines is often the only appropriate alternative [1]. Local prescribing data demonstrates wide variability in concentrations of unlicensed specials supplied, at significant cost. This project aims to standardise medicines prescribing for children, improve patient safety by reducing inadvertent dose misadministration due to varying concentrations, reduce spend, and improve the effectiveness of working relationships between hospital and community healthcare teams.
What was done?
Prescribing and procurement data were used to analyse, review and harmonise paediatric prescribing practices in a UK clinical commissioning group, with focus on rationalising use of unlicensed specials.
How was it done?
A target list of ten medicines was identified, based on variability of strengths and formulations available, and cost. A team of two dedicated specialist paediatric hospital pharmacists was funded to set out strategies to standardise prescribing of those target medicines, and to improve understanding of prescribing and supply of unlicensed medicines to children. Various methods were used, including; email communications advertising the roles and support offered; establishing a Paediatric Formulary Group; promoting the local Paediatric Formulary; creating paediatric prescribing pathways; reviewing specials prescribing and supporting switches to alternative formulations; and delivering a paediatric prescribing webinar.
What has been achieved?
Reviews of specials prescribing were initially undertaken in two of the six boroughs in the region. 138 switches to a preferred formulation for safety and/or cost-effectiveness were identified and discussed between July-October 2021. Risks associated with prescribing multiple concentrations of liquid medicines were identified and measures were put in place to prevent patient harm. The webinar was well attended, and although it cannot be quantified, awareness of the Paediatric Formulary has improved. The project is on-going and at this time the impact on spend cannot be shown but will be reported later this year.
What next?
The specific knowledge and skills of specialist paediatric hospital pharmacists are highly valuable in driving specials medicines rationalisation for children in the community. Future plans for expanding the project include extending the service to other boroughs in the region and widening the target list of medicines.
References: 1.Rawlence E et al. Is the provision of paediatric oral liquid unlicensed medicines safe? Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed. 2018;103(6):310-3. 2.Neonatal and Paediatric Pharmacists Group. Position Statement 18-01 Using Standardised Strengths of Unlicensed Liquid Medicines in Children. Version 5, April 2020.