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Creating a standardized cisplatin hydration protocol
European Statement
Patient Safety and Quality Assurance
Vera Pires, Maria Teixeira, António Gouveia
Why was it done?
Cisplatin is a cytotoxic agent used in CT regimens in ST. (1) Nephrotoxicity is the main toxicity, and hydration is always indicated to prevent kidney damage. [1,2] In 2018, when we computerized the ST’s CT protocols, we verified the existence of variations in CH protocols. According to the bibliography, this lack of standardization could lead to sub-optimal treatment of patients, errors and unnecessary use of resources. [1,3] Thus, it was necessary to develop a standardized hydration protocol designed by pharmacists with the collaboration of oncologists.
What was done?
Standardize the cisplatin-based hydration (CH) protocols used in the solid tumors (ST) chemotherapy (CT) regimens in adults in our institution.
How was it done?
Audit of CH protocols used in ST in adults in our institution and literature review to build a standardized evidence-based protocol.
What has been achieved?
We gathered 31 CT regimens with cisplatin. Verified the existence of variations in the volume of hydration (VH) before and after cisplatin, in the volumes of drug dilution, perfusion time, in the use of oral hydration (OH) and in ionic supplementation. We found that all of them were indicated to perform cisplatin only “if urine output >100ml/min”, use of mannitol before cisplatin and furosemide in SOS. Through the consulted bibliography, 4 regimens were made and implemented in 2019, according to the dosage of cisplatin: HC1< 40mg/m2 (Hday) and HC21000ml, and mannitol is only administered if cisplatin ≥60 mg/m2 (RCM). All protocols have magnesium and potassium supplementation.
What next?
Thus, despite the lack of consensus in the bibliography, a standardized protocol was created based on the evidence and clinical practice of our Institution. It is our intention to assess the impact of this intervention, from the perspective of the patient and the Institution.