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Initial observations on the implementation of a clinical pharmacy service in a rural hospital in Austria
European Statement
Clinical Pharmacy Services
Sonja Guntschnig, Aaron Courtenay, Ahmed Abuelhana, Michael Scott
Why was it done?
The service was established as part of the implementation of a new pharmacy into the hospital. The aim of this good practice initiative was to introduce multidisciplinary work on the wards and provide clinical pharmacy support for the ward personnel. Furthermore, it determined what types of clinical pharmacy interventions are needed at a rural 360-bed hospital in Austria, and assessed the physicians’ acceptance rate of the pharmacists’ suggestions.
What was done?
A new clinical pharmacy service (CPS) was introduced into Tauernklinikum Zell am See.
How was it done?
Data on 550 interventions made by one clinical pharmacist were collected by convenience sampling over a one-year period and rated on a six-point clinical significance scale. A subset of 26 interventions was rated for clinical significance by four independent physicians to determine inter-rater reliability (IRR). A two-way model inter-rater reliability analysis was performed for the four different physician assessments using SPSS to determine intra-class correlation (ICC).
What has been achieved?
Prompt acceptance rate by the physicians involved was 71.3% (392/550). In 26.9% (148/550) of all cases, the physician considered a change. The overall average score for all 550 clinical pharmaceutical interventions taken was 2.2. ICC significance scores were correlated with the pharmacist’s scores, ICC for consistency was 0.732 and 0.732 for absolute agreement, thus both can be considered as “good”. Potential for cost reduction associated with the recommended pharmaceutical changes, namely with medication being stopped or dose reduction was 32.7% (180/550) and 25.1% (138/550), respectively.
What next?
There is great potential and a definite need for the expansion of CPS in Austria. Only 15.8% of Austrian hospitals have a pharmacy department with even less offering CPS. Many countries have demonstrated the benefits of CPS in hospitals over the past 30 and more years. The need for increased pharmacist staffing in Austrian hospitals needs to be demonstrated to Austrian stakeholders.