The EAHP Board, elected for three-year terms, oversees the association’s activities. Comprising directors responsible for core functions, it meets regularly to implement strategic goals. Supported by EAHP staff, the Board controls finances, coordinates congress organization, and ensures compliance with statutes and codes of conduct.
Keynote 3 – Exploring the future of pharmacotherapy
Hall D
Neef, Kees
Linked to EAHP Statements:
Section 6: Education and Research
Section 1: Introductory Statements and Governance
ACPE UAN: 0475-0000-16-003-L04-P. A knowledge based activity.
As the treatment of patients with drugs (pharmacotherapy) is the most applied medical strategy it is important to have drugs that are effective and safe. In the process of the introduction of new drugs to the market the judgement or interpretation of the benefit risk balance is a very critical aspect. Over the years the search for new drugs has been an on-going activity for drug companies. But there are indications that we are reaching the limits of our field of discovery. Is there still a drug hidden in the pipeline? Or is it empty? Antimicrobial agents are rarely discovered, oncology drugs are maybe too targeted?
What do we need? Which types of drugs do we need most? Antiviral drugs, antibiotics, immune suppressants. The development of drugs that have been presented for market authorisation today was started almost ten years ago, so the drugs that are under investigation now are becoming available just after ten years from the present!
We might ask what the drivers for drug development are, money, medical need, or political arguments. It is possible to notice a trend from general application of drugs to a more mechanistic approach, targeting the cell and further targeting the specific biochemical or molecular site inside the cell. Maybe there is a way back from molecular mechanisms inside the cell back to the cell itself, the whole organ or even the whole body.
Teaching goals
• To outline the development of new drugs;
• To review the current state of drug development;
• To identify new trends in pharmacotherapy.
Learning objective
After the presentation, the participants should be able:
• to acquire an overview of current pharmacotherapeutic strategies.
Keywords: Pharmacotherapy, Pharmacotherapeutic, Horizon scanning.