The EAHP Board, elected for three-year terms, oversees the association’s activities. Comprising directors responsible for core functions, it meets regularly to implement strategic goals. Supported by EAHP staff, the Board controls finances, coordinates congress organization, and ensures compliance with statutes and codes of conduct.
Highlights of French Hospital Pharmacy
Amphi Havane
Hache, Guillaume & Janus, Nicolas
The Européenne de Formation pour les Pharmaciens (Agreement number CNFMC N°100374) Associate member of EAHP has selected three of the top ten Hospital Pharmacy projects to share with European colleagues.
Medication reconciliation and Electronic Pharmaceutical file of patient: a pilot project to improve seamless care
After performing a very consistent prospective and observational study on medication reconciliation (at entry and discharge), the pharmacy department of Nimes in collaboration with the French Chamber of Pharmacists has explored the opportunity of using a common electronic drug file between community and hospital Pharmacist. Clarisse Roux will report on this local pilot project and give some perspectives at the national scale.
Integrated chemo service: from hospital compounding to Home-Based administration to the patient
European Georges Pompidou Hospital has designed a comprehensive compounding including manufacturing and online control of injectable chemotherapies using a flow injection Analysis technique. The pharmacy department, in collaboration with the pharmacy department of home hospitalisation, has created a unique organisation to deliver chemotherapies ready-to-administer at the patients’ home. Laurent Havard and Bénédicte Mittaine will describe the entire process and give some figures and feedback after several years of experience
National wide information centre on drug and kidney: a 14 years’ experience
Service ICAR: a dedicated Medical Advisory Service on the general topic of drug and the kidney. It was founded in 1999 by Pr. Gilbert Deray and Dr. Vincent Launay-Vacher. It is a nation-wide medical advisory service on how to prescribe and handle drugs in patients with renal insufficiency. Advice is based on data from the most recent international literature and relies on three main topics: 1) Drug dosage adjustment in patients with renal insufficiency, 2) Drug-drug interactions with immunosuppressive therapies in transplanted patients, 3) Drugs' renal effects (Nephrotoxic or nephroprotective effects).
Teaching goals:
- Presenting current, relevant and consistent project in the world of hospital pharmacy.
- Sharing experience with other hospital pharmacy colleagues.
- Describing results and outcomes of these projects.
Learning objectives:
After the presentation the participant should:
- Have gained general insights in the French hospital Pharmacy.
- Understand the necessity to multidisciplinary approach.
- Promote collaborative working at an European level.