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Hospital pharmacists’ professional empowerment through skills integration: experience of international cooperation between Italy and Tanzania


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European Statement

Education and Research


Agnese Bosio, Chiara Carcieri, Sixberth Bugeraha, Silvia Scalpello, Giovanna Fazzina, Maria Carmen Azzolina, Gianluca Miglio, Annalisa Gasco

Why was it done?

Drug dispensing and patient monitoring are institutional activities of hospital pharmacists worldwide. Nevertheless, the enhancement of managerial capabilities, hard and soft skills is crucial to tackle the critical challenge arising from geographical, epidemiological, demographic, cultural and legislative differences between different countries.

What was done?

An initiative for cooperation and interaction between hospital pharmacists from different income countries has been developed.

How was it done?

The initiative was led by a pharmacist from an Italian hospital who was hosted by a hospital in southern Tanzania and spent a month collaborating with local hospital pharmacists, in order to streamline integrated workflows and optimise clinical care outcomes and professional training.

What has been achieved?

A Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats (SWOT) matrix was developed to assess the impact on three main areas: drug management, clinical pharmacy and pharmaceutical care.

Strengths: attitude for workflow standardisation, multidisciplinary and multicultural teamwork, sharing of expertise and best practice, speed up of limiting processes in order to develop activities in support of patients and clinicians, time and effectiveness in qualified staff training.

Weaknesses: complexity of procedures for drug import, hospital staff shortage (both pharmacists and physicians), absence of primary care and hospital-territory continuity of care network, clinical severity of patients admitted to hospital, imbalance between clinical pharmacy/pharmaceutical care in favour of drug management.

Opportunities: professional growth due to new healthcare challenges facing, soft skills improvement (problem solving, versatility, working under stress, teamwork, integration, overcoming prejudices), hard skills enhancement (logistics, international legislation, scientific English), budget optimisation for new investments (equipment/staff), improvement of patient safety and overall level of care.

Threats: language/cultural barriers, variable learning curve and resistance to change, barriers in social/professional relationships, individual variability in adaptation period, different patient perceptions of health and medical care.

What next?

Professional integration of hospital pharmacists from different educational and cultural backgrounds could enhance their ability to address different clinical, environmental and socio-economic issues, with the following outcomes: strengthening the professional pathway; optimising outcomes with consequent cost savings; improving the quality of healthcare for patients.

On-line education for pharmacists about one pill killers


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European Statement

Education and Research



Why was it done?

HTDs in infants are defined as those that might cause severe or lethal poisoning in children. Some HTDs are considered “one pill killers”: those in which the ingestion of one unit, a single tablet or tablespoon, in an infant with a body weight of 10 kg, could be fatal. In Spain, there are 29 active ingredients (from seven therapeutic groups) considered “one pill killers”. Counseling and information are crucial activities developed by pharmacists that could help to avoid fatal intoxications.

What was done?

A virtual and interactive course for pharmacists was designed to improve knowledge about highly toxic drugs (HTDs) in infants and potentially fatal intoxications. The education platform integrates microlearning and gamification methodologies, and the course could be followed via web or smartphone.

How was it done?

A group of experts, including toxicologist paediatricians and clinical pharmacists, carried out a literature review and determined the toxic dose for HTDs. They also determined the number of units (considering the most concentrated presentation) needed to achieve the potentially fatal dose in a 10 kg infant. A virtual microlearning platform (Snackson®) was chosen, and specific training content was designed. It will be offered to community pharmacists by our Catalan Ministry of Health.

What has been achieved?

This project has enhanced the collaboration between the group of experts and the Catalan Ministry of Health. An agreement has been signed, and, in this frame, the educational activity has been offered (Autumn 2023) to 250 community pharmacists.
A list of HTDs has been published (DOI: 10.1016/j.anpede.2020.02.007).
A video was recorded, addressed to the general population to inform them about the existence of HTDs. This video is a divulgation tool with recommendations to prevent drug poisoning and is periodically broadcast in the waiting rooms of health centers.

What next?

The next objective will be to evaluate the impact of the training activity on community pharmacists and the usability of the virtual microlearning platform. Future plans also include the expansion of this education tool to other regions in Spain, and to explore the application of microlearning methodology to other areas of knowledge.

«At the pharmacy, it is not just the cross that is green » Design and distribution of an awareness video on sustainable development related to the hospital pharmacy sector


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European Statement

Education and Research


Pascaline Hubot, Anais Lumen , Marion Lefebvre, Audrey Christiaens , Claudia Tavernier , Olivia Dalleur

Why was it done?

With the healthcare sector’s climate footprint accounting for 4.4% (2019) of global greenhouse gas emissions, sustainable development in healthcare is one of today’s challenges. It is important and urgent to highlight the simple actions that can be implemented to reduce these emissions and to promote them. The objectives were: (1) To identify eco-friendly practices related to the pharmacist’s work. (2) To design an animated video and (3) To raise awareness among pharmacy staff about sustainable development.

What was done?

Students in their final year of a complementary master’s degree in hospital pharmacy at the Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium) decided to take on the challenge of producing an animated video on eco-actions specific to the profession of hospital pharmacist.

How was it done?

Firstly, a literature review (PubMed, Google Scholar) on sustainable development in healthcare followed by a focus group was carried out to identify and select ten eco-actions most relevant to the hospital pharmacist’s job. We provide at least one example for each sector of the pharmacy. Secondly, a brainstorming session was held to select the most appropriate communication tool.

What has been achieved?

An 8-minute animated video was produced using Powtoon software (January 2023 version). This video is available free of charge on Youtube ( A poster was created for display in all hospital pharmacies in French-speaking Belgium to inform as many staff members as possible about best practices in sustainable development. A QR code was added to the poster to enable a direct access to the video. The project was presented by webinar for French-speaking Belgian hospital pharmacists in April 2023. This video is now included in the programme of a complementary Master’s degree in hospital pharmacy at the Université Catholique de Louvain.

What next?

In the face of climate challenges, raising awareness of sustainable development issues remains the watchword This educational video is a first step in initiating actions to make pharmacy more sustainable. It will be presented at the next annual meeting of French-speaking Belgian hospital pharmacists in 2024 and we hope that pharmacists will implement these concrete eco-friendly practices within their institutions.

« S’cape Pharm: Can you keep your cool? » Design and implementation of an educational escape game in Chirec’s distribution departments


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European Statement

Education and Research


Pascaline Hubot , Elise Francq, Guy Stichelbaut

Why was it done?

Hospital pharmacy is a constantly evolving field that requires ongoing training. New teaching strategies based on the gamification of educational objectives have been making headlines for several years. These include EG.

What was done?

An educational escape game (EG) has been designed and implemented for hospital pharmacists and pharmaceutical-technical assistants (Apth) working in one of Chirec’s distribution departments (Belgium). The objectives were : to provide continuing education and to improve various cross-disciplinary skills such as communication, team cohesion and critical thinking.

How was it done?

After considering the various constraints (dedicated time per session, number of players, etc.), a non-linear scenario was constructed. Distribution-specific themes were chosen for the creation of 12 enigmas, some in paper format and others in virtual format using Genially platform (November 2022 version). To ensure that the training sessions ran smoothly, hint envelopes containing the updated procedures were provided. Finally, the EG was pilot tested to get an idea of the game’s timing, to identify and correct any practical problems, and to adapt certain enigmas deemed too complex if necessary.

What has been achieved?

Nine sessions were held between December 2022 and September 2023. Each session included : briefing (5’), EG session (45’), debriefing (10’) and the distribution of an anonymous satisfaction survey at the end of the session (2’). Pharmacists (n = 24) and Apth (n = 15) respectively agreed (37.5% (n = 9) ; 66.7% (n = 10)) and strongly agreed (54.2 % (n = 13) ; 20% (n = 3)) that the EG improved their knowledge, and all participants found the EG to be a good teaching tool. Feedback was also very positive on cross-functional skills such as communication, team cohesion and critical thinking.

What next?

Futures sessions will be planned for newcomers to the pharmacy. Given the popularity of this educational tool and the suggestions for new topics, a new EG theme will certainly be on the agenda for 2024 pharmacy continuing education.

Creation of a pedagogical tool to optimise the validation of chemotherapies related to rhabdomyosarcoma


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European Statement

Education and Research


Franco Perna, Maria Elisabetta Uda, Maxime Annereau, Hail Aboudagga , André Rieutord, My Lan Vo

Why was it done?

The process of pharmaceutical validation of chemotherapy involves several steps, and the hospital pharmacist must rely on multiple therapy protocols. In addition, pharmacists who have just finished university do not have the appropriate training for pharmaceutical validation. Thus, we decided to develop a tool to support the validation of chemotherapy, in which pharmacists can learn therapy protocols.

What was done?

The hospital pharmacy has developed a pedagogical tool to support pharmaceutical validation in the context of rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS).

How was it done?

We initially carried out a systematic review, following the PRISMA 2020 Statement, to find if there were any educational methods or tools exist to facilitate pharmaceutical validation in paediatric oncology.
Then, we contacted several pharmacists, currently employed in French hospitals and abroad, to understand how they train new pharmacists and resident students about chemotherapies validation. After this first stage, we focused our research on the content of our future educational tool. We created an easy-to-fill questionnaire to obtain information and meet from clinical pharmacists inside our department to understand which information was needed for the tool and what could be the most suitable format for them.

What has been achieved?

Regarding the systematic review, only two studies were identified, in which tools for pharmacists were developed, but none of these concerned the pharmaceutical validation of paediatric chemotherapy. The hospital centres contacted did not develop pedagogical tools, but some of them support the training with standard operating procedures (SOPs).
The questionnaire, in which 15 pharmacists (27% students) were interviewed, revealed that most preferred a tool in pdf (48%) and paper format (22%), containing information on pathophysiology (48%) and epidemiology (22%) of rhabdomyosarcoma, on chemotherapy protocols (32%) and dosage regimens (19%). For this reason, a pedagogical tool has been developed in pdf format and in the form of a paper booklet with the required information.

What next?

This tool could be the first presented regarding the validation of paediatric chemotherapy.
The future prospect would be to develop other tools to support pharmaceutical validation so that we can invest more and more and provide more and more quality training to new hospital pharmacists.

Use of an integrated research management system on a clinical trials unit of a Portuguese hospital

European Statement

Education and Research

Why was it done?

The evaluation of the use of the software was based on a retrospective analysis of all clinical trials introduced since 2020 and the interpretation of the results of a survey (carried out from July to August 2023) aimed at Clinical Research Associates (CRAs)

What was done?

Evaluation of the use of an Integrated Research Management System based on a retrospective analysis of all clinical trials introduced into the software since 2020.

How was it done?

The evaluation of the use of the software was based on a retrospective analysis of all clinical trials introduced since 2020 and the interpretation of the results of a survey (carried out from July to August 2023) aimed at Clinical Research Associates (CRAs)

What has been achieved?

With the introduction of an integrated management system as a registration platform of investigational product receipt, dispensing and return, were introduced into the software 204 clinical trials.
Since its implementation in 2020, the integrated system has been authorised by the sponsor as a registration platform in 55 clinical trials, corresponding to 79% of clinical trials initiated since that date.
The clinical trials Unit grants remote access to the clinical trials information to CRAs through the filling out of a declaration. Since the adoption of this system, remote access to the platform has been granted to 35 CRAs.
According to the survey distributed between July and August:
-85.7% of CRAs use the system in their monitoring work.
-The use of System has been exclusively approved to replace paper records in 88.9% of active clinical trials (with the exception of receipt confirmation via IWRS – Interactive Web Response System).
-All the CRAs who answered the questionnaire consider remote access to clinical trial data to be an advantage.
– 77.8% believe that by using the platform the time spent on presential visits has been reduced.

What next?

The use of this type of system is essential to ensure the efficiency of the tasks carried out by research teams. The approval of system by the sponsor allowed a significant reduction of paper records and the CRA’s remote access to the platform has allowed the early detection of errors, as well as a substantial reduction on time spent on presential visits. The CRA’s remote access to the movements associated with the experimental product like temperature records, calibration certificates, CVs (Curriculum Vitae) and GCP’s (Good Clinical Practices). Although use of the platform has been increasing, some sponsors still do not authorise the exclusive use of the system. It is therefore essential to share the platform’s added value in order to change the traditional ways of management of clinical trials information.

The current landscape of medical device education for hospital pharmacists: where do we stand?

European Statement

Education and Research


Lorenzo Di Spazio, Daniele Mengato, Andrea Ossato, Vera Damuzzo, Marco Chiumente, Giulia Dusi, Sabrina Trippoli, Andrea Messori, Maria Cecilia Giron, Maria Chiara Silvani, Francesca Venturini

Why was it done?

MD training, both undergraduate and postgraduate, appears to be scarce and, when available, seems to chase rather than anticipate real innovation. As a result, hospital pharmacists often have inconsistent levels of training that need to be investigated and harmonised.

What was done?

Medical devices (MD) are serving an increasingly central role in clinical practice, improving patients’ health and quality of life. In recent years, the MD industry has grown considerably along with its innovation, sophistication and spending. This context requires not only technical, but also management and consulting skills, in particular for pharmacists, that should be adequately trained and continuously updated in order to increase their involvement in the patient care pathway. A special survey has been designed and sent out to hospital pharmacists in order to gauge their level of knowledge on this subject.

How was it done?

A survey, available from 1 October 2022 to 31 December 2022, was created by a pool of experts from an Italian scientific society (Italian Society of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics – SIFaCT) and shared through Google Forms to evaluate the state-of-the-art of MD’s clinical pharmacy practice, characterising the participants on their training background and needs in this field. The questions aimed to describe which courses (curricular or post-university) on MD had been followed by the participants to individuate the best possible interesting topics and the preferred training tools useful for the SIFaCT’s future educational activities.

What has been achieved?

Out of 142 responses, only 36 (25%) declared to have followed specific training courses on MDs while 102 (72%) stated that they were self-taught in this matter. 138 participants (97%) stated the need to broaden their knowledge through: training meeting (34%), sharing of procedures and/or operating instructions (33%), access to short editorial contributions (23%) and scientific studies (10%). The three most requested topics for future trainings were: innovative MDs and innovation governance (HTA), updates on legislation and technical insights on specific classes of MDs.

What next?

These results represent a background for developing a training project aimed to increase pharmacists’ knowledge on MDs.
MD topic, according to Regulation (EU) 2023/607 and 2017/745, is constantly updated and the pharmacist must be able to understand and implement the requirements of the national and European legislation to protect safety, safeguard public health and recognize technological innovation. Finally, these results highlight the need of specific university courses for pharmacists to develop technical and clinical skills on MDs.

Development and implementation of a simulation programme of study aligned to experiential learning and the initial education and training of the student pharmacist


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European Statement

Education and Research


Sam Ingram, Sian Williams, Stewart Glaspole, Greg Scutt, Railton Scott, Safoora Azimi, Danny Bartlett, Claire May, Lisa Knox, Graham Davies

Why was it done?

The General Pharmaceutical Council in the UK released updated standards in 2021, detailing expected learning outcomes at the end of undergraduate and foundation year training. As many of these new standards explicitly link to pharmacist skills it was important that these were integrated into undergraduate course delivery.

What was done?

An evidence-based strategy was employed to develop a global skills framework which was used, alongside the course structure, to inform a simulation and experiential learning strategy for the initial education and training of undergraduate pharmacists.

How was it done?

An evidence review was conducted, examining established skills frameworks in pharmacy education and the wider healthcare arena, this was thematically analysed, and generation of a 16-skills framework constructed. This was used to guide a series of stakeholder workshops and working groups to structure a spiraled curriculum of simulated activity and assessment and an aligned experiential learning plan.

What has been achieved?

A recognition of the importance of clinical and professional skills development by establishing this at the core of the new degree structure. Through the programme a suite of clinical and professional skills (CAPS) modules focuses on an evidence-based set of core skills, values, attributes, and behaviours. Generation of a suite of simulation workshops which ensures a safe environment to learn and show competence before enhancing these skills on placement(s) supporting pharmacy services in a range of clinical settings.

What next?

The simulation and experiential learning strategy has been implemented into the 2023-24 academic year. Monitoring and feedback generation from students, academic staff, placement providers, and key stakeholders to determine if this new format for learning is generating more engaged and capable student pharmacists.

Development of a podcast for student learning and motivation (the MUG-Hub)


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European Statement

Education and Research


Sian Williams, Connor Thompson

Why was it done?

Podcasts are generally accepted as a valuable tool for enhancing student engagement with course material and motivating students in educational settings. They also offer an exciting opportunity for allowing students to make connections between what is taught on the course and it how applies in the ‘real-world’ through discussion with practicing professionals.

What was done?

The Medicines Use Group (MUG) at the University of Brighton have co-created a series of podcasts (called ‘The MUG-Hub’) to increase student pharmacists’ access to and understanding of current issues related to medicines use and to provide information, inspiration and motivation around future careers in pharmacy.

How was it done?

A small group of teaching staff (including the authors) were matched with a student partner through a digital learning initiative run by the university. Through the process of co-creation a list of topic ideas and format considerations was collated and the podcasts developed and disseminated to the wider student body (podcast titles include ‘My career in pharmacy: reflections of a specialist liver pharmacist’, ‘Working in general practice as a pharmacist’ and ‘Designing an MPharm course fit for future pharmacists’).

What has been achieved?

A series of 30-60 minute podcasts has been created and is disseminated to student pharmacists on a monthly basis through the digital learning environment. The introduction of podcasts to the course enhances students’ development in terms of self-led learning, communication and collaboration and essential digital skills.

What next?

We plan to take the work forward by engaging more students in the creation of future podcasts and compiling topic lists for future episodes and surveying student engagement with the podcast.

Using virtual reality to introduce newly hired nurses


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European Statement

Education and Research


Stine Hygum Sørensen, Henrik Nielsen, Ulla Kloster, Anne Grethe Nørgaard Kyndi, Maja Vad Mortensen, Dorthe Ludvigsen

Why was it done?

The concept of medicine at Gødstrup Hospital is based on Patient involvement in the medicine process. Consequently, the patients bring their own medicine, which is stored in the patient’s room, and additional medicine is supplied in original packages. Medicine dispensing is performed in the patient’s room to allow patient participation. The medicine rooms at the hospital are quite small, because the majority of the medicine is with the patient, but it also makes medicine rooms unsuited for on-site training of new nurses.

What was done?

Virtual Reality (VR) technology was applied for introduction of newly hired nurses to medicine rooms at the hospital.

Newly hired nurses are given a four hour introduction to the concept of medicine at Gødstrup Hospital, Denmark. The introduction is given by an interdisciplinary team of a clinical pharmacist, a pharmacologist and an experienced nurse. The introduction is given in collaboration with the Centre for Research and Education (NIDO) once a month. This ensures that newly hired nurses are given the same, relevant introduction when needed.

Introduction to medicine rooms is part of the training for nurses in introductory positons. Using VR newly hired nurses are given a different and exciting introduction to medicine rooms.

How was it done?

In collaboration with the simulation unit at NIDO we made a VR-video to enable up to 20 new nurses to see the same introduction at the same time. Hospital Pharmacy staff is featured in the VR recording and guides viewers to specific parts of the medicine room, explaining important topics such as waste disposal, hygiene and anatomical therapeutic chemical (ATC) groups.

What has been achieved?

The participants are positive and give the following feedback to the VR segment of the introduction: “It was significantly easier to deal with as a newbie”. “It was very visual as being there in reality”. “There was time to learn in a calm environment”, “It worked fine as a lesson” and “It is a good change from backboard teaching.”

What next?

The monthly introductions continues and further collaboration with NIDO will result in lessons with topics such as pharmaceutical formulations and drug calculations. Perhaps VR will be included in this too.


EAHP Forum

All the EAHP team is working on providing a Forum that can help connect all the members in Conversations and Groups to talk about important matters for the European Hospital Pharmacist.

The Forum will be accessible for all the EAHP members, you don’t have to create a new account to browse and participate.

Conversations and groups

The Conversations will be moderated by our team to provide documents and relevant topics for the community.

The Groups will connect all members that share a category. Members who work on the same assocation, on the same hospital, that have the same role, etc.

Stay tuned for the realase of the forum. Soon on EAHP.