The EAHP Board, elected for three-year terms, oversees the association’s activities. Comprising directors responsible for core functions, it meets regularly to implement strategic goals. Supported by EAHP staff, the Board controls finances, coordinates congress organization, and ensures compliance with statutes and codes of conduct.
Registration opens for 19th Congress of EAHP in Barcelona, March 2014
06 AUGUST 2013
The European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP) is delighted to announce that registration is now open for its 19th Congress which takes as its focus the subject of innovation.
With the context of the global economic crisis, and its consequences in the form of shrinking national health budgets, the question must be asked as to how successful service innovation can be achieved in such circumstances.
Keynote speakers throughout the three day Congress, to be held in Barcelona from Wednesday 26th March to Friday 28th March 2014, will investigate models of innovation, as well as central factors and elements of the innovation process. The Congress is designed to give attendees new insights into how to find and implement innovative solutions in a resource-constrained environment. A key message of the Congress is that innovation can still progress in an era of shortage: through imagination, skills and organisation.
Speaking about the Congress theme, Prof. Dr. Kees Neef, EAHP Director of Education, Science and Research said:
“It seems that every hospital pharmacist I speak to these days has the same workplace challenge: how to maintain continuous improvement of service to patients and other health professionals at a time when hospital budgets grow tighter. A large part of that answer lies in innovation which is why we wanted to focus our next scientific Congress explicitly on this theme.
With the programme of speakers and timely chosen workshops and seminars I have no doubt that our Congress can provide any hospital pharmacist in attendance with powerful new ideas, models and concepts to take back to their home country to invigorate and empower their own service improvement efforts.”
EAHP is also delighted to announce the continuation of the ground-breaking Synergy Satellite Programme, accredited high level seminars supported by an educational grant from Bayer Pharma AG.
Jennie De Greef, EAHP Chief Operating Officer, said:
“The support of our industry partners remains invaluable in terms of enabling both the breadth and precision of EAHP’s educational activities. The successful introduction of the Synergy Satellite Programme at last year’s Congress was an important addition in this regard and I’m delighted it will be going from strength to strength in the year ahead.”
For further information contact or telephone 00 322 741 6835 / 00 44 7895 292 076
1. EAHP is an association of national organisations representing hospital pharmacists at European and international levels. More information about the EAHP and its history here.
2. More information about the EAHP Congress is available here.
3. The programme for the Congress is available here.
4. To benefit from the Congress early registration fee, registrations should be made BEFORE 1 DECEMBER 2013. Further information here.
5. Information on the Synergy Satellite programme is available here.
6. The 2014 Synergy Satellite event is titled: “Anticoagulants – a matter of heart! Towards a bright future?” and will be held from 1130 to 1300 on Wednesday 26th March 2014 in the Centre de Convencions Internacional de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. Further information here.