1. Revision of the Pharma legislation
    1. Council discussions.
    2. EANM statement.
    3. Strategy and way forward.
  2. Critical Medicines Alliance: update on Working Group 1
  3. EMA
    1. Targeted consultation Union Critical Medicines List.
    2. Follow-up from side meeting in Bordeaux.
  4. EDQM
    1. 60th Anniversary
    2. Follow-up from side meeting in Bordeaux.
  5. EU4Health Public Consultation: Timeline.
  6. Meeting with PGEU.
  7. Politico Healthcare Summit 2024.
  8. APCO roundtable on ePI.
  9. EIPA event on digital health: update.
  10. Proposal of collaboration with Utrecht University.
  11. Update on PFAS
  12. AOBs (including EMVO GA)

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