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SC meeting – 14-15 September 2018

Please find below the agenda of the next SC meeting on 15-16 September 2017.

Friday, 14 September (09.00 – 18.00)
Saturday, 15 September (09.00 – 17.00)

Sheraton Airport Brussels Hotel

Be reminded that you can bring your Expense claim form to the meeting along with the original receipts, and IVG will give them directly to Patricia Thonus.


Friday, 14 September 2018

1. Welcome and apologies

2. Approval of minutes from May meeting, 2018

3. SC members to sign the Disclosure on site (IVG will bring copies for all to sign)

4. Update on Barcelona congress

a. Overview of programme

 – keynotes and presenters

        – update on speakers: 

. Student programme: stakeholder BM, speaker Antonella DECISION NEEDED

Discussion: is it necessary to have more than 1 speaker (Antonella)? If yes, could BM help or should EPSA invite a doctor/someone with policy background? 

        – confirm facilitators and review room allocations

        – Review of LOs including the ACPE verbs to use for LOs

        – Workshop

– Student programme: 2 hours & suggestion to have a new “path” session for students at the EAHP stand: DECISION NEEDED

Discussion: it was decided during the May meeting that the student programme would be reduced to 2 hours only. It was also suggested the possibility of having a meet&greet for students where someone from the SC/Board could explain different session paths to follow in the congress. It could be by topic for example, if students are interested in AMR they should attend session X, session Y and workshop Z. It could be held at the EAHP stand, after the opening ceremony and 1 SC member or a board member (or both) could explain the “paths”. 


1. Only the student session for 2 hours

2. Student session + “path session”: if this option is chosen, 1 SC member should be in charge of creating the paths and explain them to the students. It will be promoted as part of the student package. 

b. Synergy programme: supporting documents

– Update on the 2019 Synergy programme

– Voting system: 9 questions at the beginning (reminder) 

Explanation: As in some synergy sessions, the questions take too much time and break the flow of the presentations, it was decided to do all the questions at the beginning (3 per speaker, 9 questions in total). Then the same questions will be repeated at the end of the session for learning assessment. 

Proposal of topics and titles for 2020

c. New evaluation forms (update)

Explanation: Once the Congress is finished (Friday afternoon) the participant portal will be activated. Participants will be informed about the link they will need to use to access this portal. They will need their logon code (on the badge) or their credentials to login.
Once they are logged in, they will be redirected to a page with the list of sessions they attended (only those that were scanned).
Only when they have completed all the evaluation forms of the seminars they have attended, the link to download and print the certificate will be available (both ACPE and attendance).

10.30 Coffee break

5. Posters

a. Evaluation teams for abstracts and areas of expertise (if any SC member wants to change the favourite topics, please send them to
b. Review team for potential award nominees (reminder for all)
– Every SC “review team” will choose 3 potential award nominees. Before the meeting, the EAHP Secretariat will compile all the potential award nominee abstracts into one document and upload them to the SC meeting web page. During the meeting, each team will present their 3 options and explain why they have chosen them. All SC members will have a scoring sheet and will vote for each abstract. All points will be summed up and the first 12 will be selected as award nominees. GPIs should have the same procedure.
c. Review of comments for rejection/acceptance/modifications (reminder for all SC and KC and LJK)
SC members expressed the potential for optimising the standardised reasons for rejection of abstracts. Some SC members have suggested that some of the standardised reasons for rejection are not worded optimally (e.g. standardised reason 2 due to potential conflict of political interest i.e. rejecting due to established practice while the SC on the other hand would like to accept some high-quality abstracts on established practice). In addition, some members mentioned that they use the “Other” reason frequently – sometimes to state the same reason several times. It was agreed that no changes would be made for the Barcelona congress but that KC and LJK would work on changes for the 2020 congress. In addition, once changes are made, no further changes would be made tothe programming for at least 3 – 5 years.
Decision taken: During the abstract review this year, all SC should send comments to KC and LJK. Comments will be collected by KC and LJK, and they will prepare a document describing the feedback and suggesting an updated list of the standardised reasons for rejections for the following year (2020).
d. Qualitative abstracts DECISION NEEDED
Discussion: During the last May meeting, UG explained that the 5 Swedish abstracts that were rejected were qualitative research and in UG’s opinion they shouldn’t have been rejected as they are a different type of study and HPs should be aware of its importance.
JU sent a check list would be help to spot these abstracts ( THT suggested using parts of them to be filled by the poster author himself and be sent to the SC together with the poster abstract. 
To be decided
1. Shall this be considered for the next congress? Authors will need to fill it in and send it along with their abstract. 
2. Should it be used by SC members when reviewing the abstracts for the 2019 congress? for the 2020 congress?

f. GPIs  (Francesca, Branka, Lene, Antonio)
g. Poster prize committee (Parisa, Raisa, Despina, Beata) 
i. Poster prize judges: DECISION NEEDED
Options: SC member to replace Parisa OR only 3 judges instead of 4? 
ii. 12 nominees (winner to be decided on Wednesday lunch) (1st 2nd 3rd)
iii. Poster hanging process: timings changed. DECISION NEEDED
Explanation: During the last congress, it was possible to keep the walls of the poster area down while the exhibition was being built. This year it would not be possible and we would need fake walls and extra security to prevent poster authors to go to the exhibition area. At the EAHP Secretariat, it was suggested to allow poster authors to hang their poster only once the exhibition is open after the opening ceremony. It’s only a difference of 2 hours compared to last year and they still would have the entire day to hang them. 
iv. Poster walk. DECISION NEEDED
Draft of poster walk. Portable microphone and speaker. (To be added to the agenda)

12.30 – 14.00 Lunch

6. Update on the Academy programme 2018 – Warsaw

a. Updates on Academy Seminar 2018 – Seminar 1: Medicines Shortages – Causation and Approaches to Improvements – leader HJ, support FV, LJK, TDR, DM

i. Conflict of interest: 

· Dr Tomasz Bochenek*: lecture honoraria for Amgen
Seminar: Social and ethical aspects
Seminar: Social and ethical framework and obligations to be met 

b. Update on Academy Seminar 2018 – Seminar 2: Therapeutic Drug Monitoring as a Tool for Therapy Optimisation – leader BM, support AG, KN, and RL, BH

i. Conflict of interes: 

· Nieko Punt: Mediware subcontractor / consultant
Seminar: An overview of therapeutic drug monitoring software
· Prof Dr Daniel J. Touw: Member of the Medical Advisory Board of Sanquin Blood bank and Blood Products
Workshop: Clinical cases on dose adjustments based on TDM of antibiotics and antifungals
Seminar: TDM and dose optimisation of antibiotics and antifungals

15h30 – 16h00 Coffee break

c. 2019 academy seminars

i. ABS for advanced practitioners (draft programme) – Stakeholders: THT/KC

ii. Qualitative studies (draft programme) – Stakeholder: UG/RL

iii. Dates and venue: 20-21 September 2019 – Brussels?

d. Proposals of topics and venues for 2020 academy seminars

List of topics for academy seminars

18.00 End of day one


Saturday, 15 September 2018

8. Educational report (GS)

Explaination: GS will draft a report of how the organisation of educational events should work for the SC 

9. Synergy masterclasses

a. Resources leadership, management, multidisciplinary team building (2018) – AS

b. Resources procurement, tendering, decision making process (2019) – LJK, IS, DM

c. Oncology topic 2019: Stakeholders AG & JS. Draft programme. 

Notes from last meeting: 

Oncology cross statements
o Governance: how good are new drugs? What is the evidence behind its approval (HTA, etc.). Do patients live more and/or better? (mixed pathologies).
o Distribution: should hospitals be involved in oral oncology drug distribution? Is there and added value to patients?
o Production: how to deal with advanced therapy medicinal products, from T-VEC to CAR-T Cells. Is there a role for HP?
o Clinical 1: Myeloma: what’s happening now, how should we best support our patients?
o Clinical 3: Check point inhibitors (immunotherapy): 6 years after ipilimumab, are they keeping up with the promise? What is the place of these drugs in therapy today?
o Safety: New drugs, new problems. How can the HP manage new side effects, interactions, etc.
o Education: training pharmacists to handle new oncology challenges.

d. Topics for 2020

10.30 Coffee break

10. 2020 Congress

Selection of theme (map)

– Brainstorming sessions: titles, keywords (template for congress to be added to the agenda)

– Suggestion for a workshop: DECISION NEEDED

Explanation: Steve Williams is working with Dr Penny Lewis at the University of Manchester looking at pharmaceutical acuity scoring tools for hospital inpatients. She had an editorial in EJHP and Steve had 2 papers published on the subject They are now doing some further funded research in this area and it is gaining some attention in the UK. 

11. New submission for SC member: Fatma Karapinar (CV & motivation letter) DECISION NEEDED

Decision taken in the May meeting: If necessary, the SC will be extended with 1 or 2 members (voted and agreed). The SC will first fill in the positions of Andre (done), Parisa (done), Antonio, Kees and Anthony (if needed). After the succession has happened, the SC can add up to 2 additional members.

12.30 Lunch 

12. Update on Open Learning courses 

15.30 Coffee break

13. Any other business

a. Attendance rate to SC Meetings (read only) 

14. Next SC meetings – To decide 2020 meetings

  • 14 – 15 September 2018
  • 9 – 10 November 2018
  • 18 – 19 January 2019
  • 26 March 2019 (Barcelona’s Congress)
  • 17 – 18 May 2019 (TBC)
  • 13-14 September 2019
  • 8-9 November 2019
  • January 2020 (TBC)
  • March 2020 (TBC)



EAHP Forum

All the EAHP team is working on providing a Forum that can help connect all the members in Conversations and Groups to talk about important matters for the European Hospital Pharmacist.

The Forum will be accessible for all the EAHP members, you don’t have to create a new account to browse and participate.

Conversations and groups

The Conversations will be moderated by our team to provide documents and relevant topics for the community.

The Groups will connect all members that share a category. Members who work on the same assocation, on the same hospital, that have the same role, etc.

Stay tuned for the realase of the forum. Soon on EAHP.