The EAHP Board, elected for three-year terms, oversees the association’s activities. Comprising directors responsible for core functions, it meets regularly to implement strategic goals. Supported by EAHP staff, the Board controls finances, coordinates congress organization, and ensures compliance with statutes and codes of conduct.
Medicines shortages – April 2019
Revision of EAHPs Statement on Medicines Shortages
AB, NM and PP, as Board leads for medicines shortages, have reviewed EAHP’s Position Paper on Medicines Shortages. The final draft version is available HERE.
Please note that the revision is also linked to agenda item 9.3.1.
Further dissemination of EAHP’s 2018 Medicines Shortages Survey results
The mailing of the 2018 Medicines Shortages Survey report went out in early March. The report was sent to all Ministries of Health/ Medicines Agencies situated in a Council of Europe country. The following countries did not receive a report: Bosnia, Estonia, Greece, Lithuania, Poland, Turkey and the UK. The UK might reconsider after Brexit.
EPHA shortages discussion
Some representatives of EPHA (France Assos Santé, Romanian Health Observatory, Health Action International) as well as some contacts of France Assos Santé (Association français des hémophiles, Générations Mouvement, and Test-achats) have expressed interest in closer collaboration on the issue of medicines shortages. The representative of France Assos Santé suggested to send a joint letter to the European Commission underlines the importance of research into the causes.
EAHP will be collaborating with different EPHA members on a joint call to action. EAHP will lead this initiative. The aim is to send a letter to the Commissioner and the Director of DG SANTE outlining the need for action on medicines shortages. The letter will be send in mid/late May and again after the elections once the new Commissioner has been appointed (most likely late September). Both local and European actors will be involved.
Brexit and shortages – press release by EAHP
SK has spoken to Pascal Garel (HOPE). Given the uncertainties linked to Brexit, HOPE does not want to commit to a press release at the moment.
Amgen request – further collaboration on shortages
Amgen expressed interest in further collaboration. More information is available in agenda item 10.13.
Supply chain actors’ cooperation
The supply chain actors (the Association of the European Self-Medication Industry (AESGP), the European Association of Euro-Pharmaceutical Companies (EAEPC), EAHP, the European Industrial Pharmacists Group (EIPG), the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA), the European Healthcare Distribution Association (GIRP), Medicines for Europe and the Pharmaceutical Group of the European Union (PGEU)) met on 8th April 2019 to discuss the review of the consensus paper on the issue of shortages (see HERE) as well as Medicines for Europe’s draft paper on the causes (see HERE). NM and VD attended the meeting. NM will report back during the Board meeting.
HMA/EMA task force– consultation
The EMA/HMA task force has launched a consultation on the ‘Good practice guidance for communication on medicines’ availability issues’. EAHP has been invited to comment by 5 April. Please find HERE the consultation response.
COST Action – Medicine Shortages
NM has prepared a summary (see HERE) detailing the different COST activities.
ESNO – Medication Shortage Survey
ESNO is still intending to conduct a survey on medication shortages survey for specialised nurses. However due to financial constraints and time issues this activity is not being pursued at the moment.
2019 GA – shortages/COST policy document
The draft version of the shortages policy document is available HERE. In addition, a document containing detailed information on the position paper review has been prepared (see HERE).