The EAHP Board, elected for three-year terms, oversees the association’s activities. Comprising directors responsible for core functions, it meets regularly to implement strategic goals. Supported by EAHP staff, the Board controls finances, coordinates congress organization, and ensures compliance with statutes and codes of conduct.
medicines shortages
Since the last Board Meeting
EAHP circulated to the GA a summary brochure of our medicines shortages survey.
An FIP international Summit on medicines shortages made a 6 point call for action.
EJHP published an article on best practice standards for managing medicines shortages
A European Medicines Agency Working Group has been in the process of developing a common position on medicines shortages, with EAHP involvement and input. More information here and here.
EAHP submitted a letter to a special edition of the Australasian Medical Journal on the topic of global medicines shortages. More information here and here.
Next Steps
The European Medicines Agency will hold a special event on medicines shortages on Monday 14 October. Aida Batista will attend on behalf of EAHP. More information here, here and here.
On Wednesday 23rd October EAHP, PGEU and EIPG will meet with Dr Patrizia Tosetti at the European Commission (DG SANCO) to discuss the issue of shortages, our gathered evidence and suggested solutions.
For Board consideration
Key messages for EMA event
Key messages for European Commission meeting
Any other comments and thoughts related to the shortages issue e.g. parallel import and definition of 'essential medicines',
Congress and shortages (e.g. seminar on the topic)
Additional information
Useful summary article on the EU aspect of shortages here
Abstract poster and article on shortages sent by Amgen to EAHP here and here.
Webstream of May 2103 EPHA event on access to medicines now available here (including EAHP presentation).
Article about hospital pharmacy response to shortage in USA here.
Reports that USA FDA Regulation is having desired effect in reducing new shortages here.