The EAHP Board, elected for three-year terms, oversees the association’s activities. Comprising directors responsible for core functions, it meets regularly to implement strategic goals. Supported by EAHP staff, the Board controls finances, coordinates congress organization, and ensures compliance with statutes and codes of conduct.
Emerging issues – September 2019
Emerging issues – General Points
EAHP’s policy priorities 2019/2020 | DECISION NEEDED
The Board needs to review the 2018/2019 policy priorities to determine if an update is needed:
- Implementing the 44 European Statements of Hospital Pharmacy
- Creating a Common Training Framework for hospital pharmacy in Europe
- Leveraging the role of the hospital pharmacist in combatting antimicrobial resistance
- Securing EU level action on the pan European heath threat of medicines shortages
- Enabling the rational use of medicines for patients
- Find HERE the latest version of an MoU between EAHP and ESCP that PH, AS and Bart van dem Bemt have dicussed
- ESCP’s General Committee reviewed the document and agrees with its content
- EAHP’s Board has to review the document
- In addition, input should be provided regarding the selection of the working group representatives, the deliverables of the working group and the contact between EAHP’s and ESCP’s Boards
COM tender – revision of Directive 2005/36/EC
- A tender has been published regarding a study focusing on mapping and assessing the sectoral professions, in particular pharmacists and dentists, included in the Professional Qualifications Directive (see HERE)
- PGEU is not planning to submit a bid, but is planning to stay engaged
- EAFP has been contacted; no feedback was received
- EAHP will monitor the project and reach out to COM after the application deadline to signal interest in being kept updated about the progress
EDQM – new projects | FEEDBACK NEEDED
- In addition to the traceability project, three other projects have been submitted to the CD-P-PH/PC for review
- A decision will be taken by CD-P-PH/PC during the September meeting
- The Board should speak about possible engagement opportunities for EAHP
- Cytotoxic treatment surveillance: the CD-P-PH/PC agreed to work on this topic with a view to mapping the current situation throughout Europe with regards to guidelines and legislation already in place, and to developing evidence-based practice guidelines to improve the safety and outcomes for patients receiving cytotoxic medications. The EAHP will be contacted in due course to discuss the involvement of hospital pharmacists in this initiative.
- Medication reviews: the CD-P-PH/PC agreed to work on a project aimed at developing guidelines/ templates for carrying out medication reviews in different healthcare settings (e.g. outpatient and inpatient care). Discussion is ongoing on possible ways to involve stakeholders in the project (either as working party members or via stakeholder consultation on draft documents).
- Resolution CM/Res(2016)2 on good reconstitution practices in healthcare establishments discussion took place on the need to run a survey to evaluate what has happened at national level since the adoption of the resolution. To this end, the potential involvement of stakeholders such as national hospital pharmacists associations is currently under discussion. The possibility to approach the European association of hospital managers to promote the implementation of the resolution in daily practice is also being considered by the CD-P-PH/PC.
ESA – nomination of EAHP patient safety representative| DECISION NEEDED
- EAHP is involved in ESA’s patient safety policy summit
- Preliminary programme is available HERE
- Consensus statement is available HERE
- JP will provide more information on the latest status of the project during the meeting
- The Board needs to decide who will represent EAHP as a moderator of the session on ‘Promoting multidisciplinary team-working in perioperative care’
Creation of EAHP Special Interest Groups | DECISION NEEDED
- DM proposed the creation of special interest groups for certain topics/policy areas
- These could be particularly helpful for the revision of certain position papers – e.g. the position on access to medicines
- The Board should discuss this idea
EAHP data sharing document | DECISION NEEDED
- Revised document is available HERE
- Does the Board agree with the content of the revised document?
Relationship of the SDGs with the Statements | DECISION NEEDED
- Updated SDG document is available HERE
- Does the Board have additional comments?
- SK obtained information on ECCO membership
- Membership is possible and welcomed by ECCO; EAHP and ESOP would however need to discuss their relationship prior to the submission of EAHP’s membership application
- ECCO would welcome a fast decision by EAHP
- More information on ECCO is available HERE
Carcinogens and Mutagens Directive (CMD)
• ECCO/ESOP/EONS will be organising an event in the EP (tentative date 15/12)
EPF congress
- The Board discussed the strengthening of EAHP’s relationship with patients
- The attendance of EPFs congress (more information see HERE) from 12 to 14 November would be a good opportunity
- Participation costs 250 Euro excl. VAT
World Thrombosis Day | DECISION NEEDED
- EAHP received a request to engage in World Thrombosis Day on 13th October (see HERE)
- Engagement would entail registration on the dedicated website + social media activity
- No pharmacy organisation is registered so far in Europe
- JP presented the idea to join CIOMS at the June Board meeting
- SK collected some information on CIOMS (see HERE)
- Board to decide if associated membership by EAHP should be pursued?
New Commission
- Commissioner designate for Health is Cypriot
- Cancer and affordable medicines rank high on the list of priorities
- Some portfolios are shifting (e.g. competencies being transferred from GROW to SANTE; ageing included in demography portfolio)
NEW – Medicine error activity proposal from EAASM | DECISION NEEDED
- AS and SK met with EAASM on 23/9 to learn more about EAASM’s medication error project
- EAASM informed EAHP about the fruitful discussions with Torsten Hoppy-Tichy (ADKA), Pascal Bonnabry (Swiss Association), Thomas De Rijdt (Belgian Association) and Miguel Calleja (SEFH) who were all very positive about the initiative
- EAASM is seeking the help of EAHP in conducting a survey on medication errors (background note see HERE | presentation see HERE)
- EAASM would prepare the survey with input from EAHP
- EAASM would provide EAHP with funding for the coordination and dissemination of the survey between October 2019 and January 2020
- The Board needs to decide if EAHP should support this initiative
Shelf life inquiry
- A follow-up (see HERE) was sent to the response of EMA (see HERE)
- No feedback has been received yet; EMA noted that the processing will take time
Paediatric Committee application
- The possibility to nominate representatives for EMA’s Paediatric Committee has been shared with members
- EAHP’s internal deadline is 4th October; after the Board needs to take a decision on the nominee
- 1 application (Gabriela Pura, RO) has been received
PRAC information campaign | FEEDBACK NEEDED
- Roberto, as member of PRAC, would like to work with EAHP on an information campaign about PRAC due to the fact that certain requests sent to PRAC are unnecessary
- The Board should provide input on this idea
Strengthening of collaboration between EAHP-EMA | FEEDBACK NEEDED
- Family physicians signed a joint statement with EMA (see HERE)
- Should something similar be pursued for EAHP?
EMA/Commission consultations
EAHP is currently preparing input to the following consultations:
- EMA Consultation: ICH guideline E19 on optimisation of safety data collection (29/09)
- EMA Consultation – ICH guideline E8 (R1) on general considerations for clinical studies – Step b (30/9)