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29 October 2020

1) CTF

Activity update

  • Steering Committee – GML will share an update with the Steering Committee.
  • WG 1 – Portugal is piloting the template
  • WG 3 – call with the WG will be organised in the coming weeks.
  • Registration of specialisation – GML is continuing to follow up with specialisation countries to track their progress. The call with AT remains to be organised.


  • SK has shared all information with EUPLMG. @ AB – in case you need assistance when staying on touch with them let us know.

2) Policy updates

EPHA – Strategy

  • Do you have any comments on the EPHA strategy (see HERE)? As mentioned in my email (see HERE) it looks fine there are just a few repetitions that EPHA could take out.

Call with Commissioner Kyriakides and Breton 6 Nov

  • AB offered to attend the call with the Commissioners (see email HERE). We have 3 minutes to reply to the below questions. Should I request input from the Board members, including Ana and Claudia?
  1. Please confirm adequate supply of COVID-19 indicated ICU medicines and ancillary products both in the current situation and for the next few months.
  2. Do you still encounter any export restrictions within the EU or any other disruption to supply?
  3. Please clarify the situation for the supply of flu vaccines following major concerns expressed by Member States.

PGEU – exchange on COVID-19 with supply chain actors

  • Ilaria send a doodle to determine the next date for a COVID-19 exchange with supply chain actors (see HERE). @ PH – will you fill in the doodle?

Open Access Government

  • @ AB – did you check your calendar to see if you have time to work on the article?

Starting work on MoU with PGEU

  • @ PH – I would like to wait with kickstarting the work on PGEU’s MoU since I would like to ensure that AS can be involved.

Collaboration request – Healthcare Plastics Recycling Council (HPRC)

  • @ PH – JDG asked me to check with you about the email (see HERE) you got concerning the advisory Board of the Healthcare Plastics Recycling Council (HPRC).

Plasma Protein Therapeutics Association – Call for support and meeting request

  • @ PH and AB – what do you want me to do with the call for support and the meeting request of the Plasma Protein Therapeutics Association (see email HERE | see attachment HERE).


  • In June, EDQM informed us that they are going to talk about the agenda of their webinar on Resolution CM/Res(2016)2 (on good reconstitution practices) in November. We were offered the possibility to provide topic suggestions. Do we still want to do that?

Request of Federation of European Academies of Medicine (FEAM)

  • SK spoke to FEAM about their Forum. FEAM shared some additional information by email (see HERE). They currently have no pharmacists involved, but membership in the forum requires the payment of a membership fee.

EAFP 2020 virtual conference

  • SA will join. SK and SA are currently working on the presentation.

Medicines shortages webinar series

  • EAHP’s webinar took place on 27 October. All went fine. New – Some attendees of the webinar have asked for a certificate of participation. Normally we use your signature PH. Would that be fine (see draft HERE)?

ESCP-EAHP Webinar on COVID-19

  • The webinar will take place today.

FMD – aggregation

  • Discussions at EMVO level will continue in early 2021. In the meantime, EAHP will collect additional input from members, in particular those working on aggregation solutions (e.g. Germany, Ireland, France).

New – Health Care Summit

  • @PH – do you need help with your preparation. Do you need me to attend the briefing call with you on 13 November? 

New – Building a European Health Union: preparedness and resilience for cross-border health threats

  • After the policy call, SK will attend a Commission webinar on Building a European Health Union: preparedness and resilience for cross-border health threats (see HERE). Do you have any additional input that should be provided?

3) Consultations – state of play

Due date Type of consultation  Action
17/11/2020 3rd health programme (2014-2020) – final evaluation Do you want to comment on this roadmap? 
31/12/2020 Guideline on registry-based studies SK is checking if previous comments from EAHP were included already. After TS will input.
31/12/2020 EDQM – Issue 2 of Pharmeuropa PaedForm SK is checking with PH and SA.
13/01/2021 EMA – Draft guideline on the clinical investigation of human normal immunoglobulin for intravenous administration (IVIg) Checking relevance with leads. 

Next policy call – Thursday 12 November at 2 PM CET? 11 November is a public holiday in Belgium.


EAHP Forum

All the EAHP team is working on providing a Forum that can help connect all the members in Conversations and Groups to talk about important matters for the European Hospital Pharmacist.

The Forum will be accessible for all the EAHP members, you don’t have to create a new account to browse and participate.

Conversations and groups

The Conversations will be moderated by our team to provide documents and relevant topics for the community.

The Groups will connect all members that share a category. Members who work on the same assocation, on the same hospital, that have the same role, etc.

Stay tuned for the realase of the forum. Soon on EAHP.