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23 April 2020

1) CTF

No updates since project is on hold. GML has still not received any feedback from Ian Bates on the revised timeline for the deliverables.

2) Policy updates

Joint Statement on COVID

  • Waiting for feedback from organisations that were contacted (CPME, PGEU, ESOP, ESCP, HOPE, Senior hospital physicians, European Hospital Alliance).

EDQM – follow up

  • Call last week | The meeting report was prepared and uploaded to SharePoint.
  • Traceability project | FMD + Digital health leads have been contacted to find liaison.
  • Paediatric formulary | Prioritisation request shared with board leads.
  • EDQM – consultation on oxygen | Information was shared with the Board. Shall we email EDQM that we agree with keeping the current limit of 67 ppm unchanged to earlier requirements?

ICU shortages – COM request

  • Provided COM is interested in our suggestion, how would we carry out the data collection from member associations?

Medicines for Europe – call follow-up

  • The meeting report was prepared and uploaded to SharePoint. Some countries have shared information from small companies. The information was added to the excel that provides an overview on ICU shortages (see HERE). Can is share the names of the companies and contact details with Adrian?

EPHA – position paper on shortages

  • On Monday, EPHA will release its position on shortages (see HERE). EPHA member organisations can share quotes from the President’s for the press release. Given our engagement, we should share a quote. @ PH and AB – do you agree?
  • Suggestion: “For over a decade, hospital pharmacists have been engaging with and raising awareness about the impact that medicines shortages have on patients. The implementation of pan-European measures that proactively and reactively address the problem cannot wait any longer. Therefore, the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists stands in full support with the European Public Health Alliance that today puts forward a proposal outlining how Europe can jointly tackle the growing problem of medicines shortages.”


  • @ PH – Are you ok with the letter (see HERE) addressed to EANM for the initiation of discussions?

EUPLMG letter

  • @ AB – Are you ok with the letter (see HERE)?

HCWH – CleanMed2020

  • Healthcare Without Harm contacted us about the CleanMed2020 conference on sustainable healthcare. They are looking for collaborators. The most suitable option for EAHP could be to participate as a speaker in plenary sessions or side events. This is conditional on us submitting an idea and this being selected by HCWH’s team (deadline 17:00 CET on April 30th). More information is available HERE. Would this be something we should look into?

Online petition of the Alliance

  • As a follow-up of the letter on COVID-19 public R&I investments and in line with the statements of the Global A2M community (Public Citizen Global principles and C20 letter) the Alliance has partnered with for an online petition (see HERE). It is possible to sign this initiative.

3) Board meeting preparation

Discussion on Teams for items not expressly discussed

  • Some BMs have used the possibility to discuss.
  • There are no items that require an in-depth discussion at the Board meeting, unless PH/AB spotted some points.

Hazardous drugs/compounding

  • Compounding position has been uploaded on Teams and is ready for discussion (see document HERE).
  • An updated COWI statement was shared on Wednesday morning that takes into account the most recent comments from TS and SA (see document HERE).
  • Information on the engagement opportunity in the field of ‘hazardous drugs’ has been uploaded and is ready for discussion (see document HERE)

Patient safety

  • Patient safety position has been uploaded on Teams and is ready for discussion (see document HERE). The leads prefer a complete revision (option 2) over an update of the old position (option 1).

Medicines Shortages

  • During the last call, the idea of a COVID-19 survey came up. Steffen asked to briefly discuss this during the Board meeting. Should it go under AOB or policy?

4) Consultations – state of play

Due date Type of consultation  Action
25/04/2020 EMA consultation: Points to consider on implications of Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) on methodological aspects of ongoing clinical trials PP and TS shared comments. Waiting for feedback from DM.
07/05/2020 COM – Beating Cancer Plan Public consultation PP shared comments. Waiting for feedback from DM.
31/05/2020 Consultation on the White Paper on Artificial Intelligence – A European Approach Draft response will be shared with leads in May.
31/05/2020 European Strategy for data Draft response will be shared with leads in May.
? To be published – Roadmap for COM’s Pharmaceutical Strategy  

Next policy call – in 2 weeks (e.g. 7 May at 2 PM)?


EAHP Forum

All the EAHP team is working on providing a Forum that can help connect all the members in Conversations and Groups to talk about important matters for the European Hospital Pharmacist.

The Forum will be accessible for all the EAHP members, you don’t have to create a new account to browse and participate.

Conversations and groups

The Conversations will be moderated by our team to provide documents and relevant topics for the community.

The Groups will connect all members that share a category. Members who work on the same assocation, on the same hospital, that have the same role, etc.

Stay tuned for the realase of the forum. Soon on EAHP.