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17 April 2023

1) CTF

Meeting with DG GROW

  • DG Grow’s letter & next steps

Meeting with other professional organisations

  • We are still waiting for the response of DG GROW)
  • Inclusion of other professional organisation (e.g., we just contacted laboratory medicine specialists).

2) Policy updates 

IHE – follow up requested by Leonidas

Information on the IHE Pharmacy White Papers and Profiles have been published on the policy page of the EAHP website, section: “eHealth and mHealth”.

Article on the EHDS

The European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) reached out to us asking if we would be interested in writing a short article (300-500 words) for the special edition of its newsletter on the European Health Data Space, which is scheduled for publication at the beginning of May. 

TS as digital lead decided to engage in this.

DP reached out to the digital co-leads to inform them about this decision and asked for any possible input that they might have.

EFPIA-EAHP meeting on ‘Single Unit Coding’ (12 April)

During the exchange, it was discussed having engagement for minimum requirements in the barcode (expiry date, serial number, batch number). It was discussed starting with giving guidance for introducing the Datamatrix and identification of products using Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) and in the future including more info (expiry date and batch number) on the barcode.  

Concerning the readable format, Thomas and Aida emphasized that we need a backup solution when the IT system is down. Not every hospital would go at the same speed, there should be a readable form, otherwise, you lose the data.

From EFPIA side, Françoise Hitt underlined that the industry is not ready to the full implementation of the barcoding in 3 years’ time and that EFPIA needs to have a critical discussion on this. François Bouvy stressed that there is a need to have the standard, but also a roadmap to move the issue forward. Some companies want to move faster than others. From the EAHP side, Thomas highlighted that a roadmap should not be an excuse to postpone this issue.

The following follow-up activities were agreed:

  • EAHP: Carry out a review of the products in terms of what are the best and more needed products for barcode the single unit doses. Overview to the extent of what is already there, giving more details about what could be or is not difficult, and take it as a basis for the next discussion.
  • EFPIA/Consultancy: the guideline needs some updating, a roadmap to work in future meetings, technical specifies for the code, advantages of losing the paper product information, and data sharing.

For the future, it is important to have a position on the following:

  • ePI inclusion in the barcode is seen as a necessary step. @AS, DKP: what are your views on this?
  • TS in favour of Serial Shipping Container Code (SSCC). @AS, DKP: should we push for aggregation in the barcoding discussions? Should we discuss this with the Board?

The next meeting will be hybrid: 1 June, 11h – 15h30 (Brussels time)

GS1 Exchange (13 April)

@AS & DKP – should EAHP gather information on different packaging scenarios? If yes, how should this be carried out?

@ AS & DKP – in which periods should the upcoming calls with GS1 be set up? SK suggests one call before the summer and one in the autumn. 

3) General Assembly

2023 Country Reports

Emails disseminating this were sent on 11 April. As a complementary element, the ones that responded to last year’s survey, also received their response. This was done following Tjalling suggestion to have pre-filled responses in the section about the respondent, it can help completing such part of this year’s survey.

4) Consultations – state of play

Due date Type of consultation  Action
19/04/2023 COM – Medical devices – single identifier for similar highly individualised devices Submitted
08/05/2023 Stakeholders’ Targeted Consultation EU4Health Annual Work Programme 2024 Draft response being prepared.
26/05/2023 EDQM – Best Practices for the Remote and Online Provision of Medicines SK shared it with the digital, access & changing roles leads, feedback pending.
30/06/2023 EDQM – Pead Formulary: draft monograph on a Clonidine Hydrocholoride Oral Solution SK shared with the Paediatric leads, feedback pending.

Next policy call?  2, 3 (after 13.30) or 10 (after 14.30) May?


EAHP Forum

All the EAHP team is working on providing a Forum that can help connect all the members in Conversations and Groups to talk about important matters for the European Hospital Pharmacist.

The Forum will be accessible for all the EAHP members, you don’t have to create a new account to browse and participate.

Conversations and groups

The Conversations will be moderated by our team to provide documents and relevant topics for the community.

The Groups will connect all members that share a category. Members who work on the same assocation, on the same hospital, that have the same role, etc.

Stay tuned for the realase of the forum. Soon on EAHP.