The EAHP Board, elected for three-year terms, oversees the association’s activities. Comprising directors responsible for core functions, it meets regularly to implement strategic goals. Supported by EAHP staff, the Board controls finances, coordinates congress organization, and ensures compliance with statutes and codes of conduct.
16 September 2020
1) CTF
Relaunch of activities
- WG 1 is working on reviewing the questions on the national programmes to determine which questions should be prioritised. Countries with a specialisation were contacted to set up conference calls in September/October to discuss how authorities should be approached/which steps should be taken for a registration. WG3 is reviewing the FAQ document.
Request EUPLMG
- Request to set up a virtual meeting was sent in July. AB heard back. Dates after 6 October would work best. @ AB/AS/PH – we need to determine 2 to 3 date/time options.
2) Policy updates
Virtual meeting with the Commissioner
- The virtual meeting with the Health Commissioner will take place on 22 September from 11.45 to 12.30. SK is waiting to receive the call in details. A presentation should not be prepared. EPHA, who met last week with Kyriakides to discuss the pharma strategy, reported that the call was very intimate and that a presentation would have been disruptive. A briefing note will be shared with PH, AB and AS on 16 or 17 September.
- Council Meeting: @ AB – Is there anything to report from the meeting?
- Meeting with FIP President: @ PH – do you already want to talk about finding an alternative date for a meeting with FIP’s president?
Politico event 17/18 November
- @ PH – have you decided if you will join in person or virtually?
ESOP – MoU: next steps
- EAHP and ESOP are working on the preparation of the COWI meeting. Also, EAHP is partnering with ESOP on ESOP’s COVID survey.
PGEU – MoU: next steps
- The following collaboration ideas were discussed at the last policy call: vaccination – new COVID vaccine /vaccination of vulnerable patient groups; transition of care; education of pharmacy technicians. Should a virtual exchange be organised in late October/early November?
EPSA Methodology booklet endorsement request
- SK has reached out to obtain more information. Nothing shared yet by EPSA since most of their executive is busy with their exams. The deadline for feedback was moved to 30 September.
Request from ADKA on shortages
- SK is working on setting up a call with the shortage leads and ADKA. @ AB – the date that fits Frank, Piera and Nenad is 28 September (either at 5 PM CEST or 6 PM CEST). What do you prefer?
EMA – Clinical Trial Information System group
- JP and TS reflected on EAHP’s CTIS representation. PP agreed to join the CTIS group as EAHP representative. SK will inform Francesca and EMA later this week about the decision.
Video for EFCP (Mahmoud)
- World Pharmacist Day (25 September) – PH has recorded a video. MA is editing the video. SK will share the video with Mahmoud.
- 29 September event: AS will join. SK has prepared a biography of AS and the EAHP logo for sharing with Mahmoud. A draft presentation (see HERE) was created covering the following topics: EAHP, mission, members, structure and EAHP statements. @ AS – do you want to have more details included? Moreover, can I share a picture of you (the one also used for EAASM) and the biography I emailed earlier this week?
MOIC Virtual Conference in September
- @ PH – the pre-recorded presentation needs to be shared on 17 September.
PGEU – supply chain stakeholders exchange of views
- The next meeting will be organised on 23 September. AS will join.
FMD aggregation survey + FMD update for members
- The aggregation survey (access the survey HERE) is slowly collecting more response. Members will be reminded about the survey. In addition, the FMD online event on 30 September of EAASM will be announced and the new FMD call in mid-October will be organised.
- SK has put together a draft presentation for AS (see HERE). Open questions will be discussed during the policy call.
COVID-19 survey
- The survey will be launched in the morning of 16 September.
INI Report – vote in EP
- The vote will take place this week. SK will be sharing EAHP’s views via Twitter and an article in the EU Monitor.
Hazardous drugs – Spanish request
- Olga Delgado shared information about the Spanish list (see HERE) which is based on the NIOSH list. Should GML compare the NIOSH and the Spanish list?
Shortages – interview request
- @ AB – I emailed you and the shortage leads (see HERE) about an interview request that I received this morning from a journalist working for France 3. Charlotte gave her my contact details.
3) September Board meeting
Preparation of policy discussion
- The policy information was divided into two categories, (1) policy information and (2) policy discussion. The policy information documents contain updates that do not need to be discussed. Discussions of policy items can start on Teams once the agenda has been approved.
- President’s guests: @ PH – since congress is not part of the Board call agenda. How would you like to discuss the persons to be invited as President’s guests? Normally we send out the invitations in October.
- Email of Marc Dooms (BE HP) – Marc send an email today about collaboration between HPs and community pharmacists asking to hold a workshop at the next Congress (see HERE). Can I tell him we are already exchanging with PGEU on this topic and that there is unfortunately no space at the next Congress to add another workshop?
4) Consultations – state of play
Due date | Type of consultation | Action |
03/10/2020 | EMA – ICH guideline M7 on assessment and control of DNA reactive (mutagenic) impurities in pharmaceuticals to limit potential carcinogenic risk | JP and TS advised against engaging. |
Next policy call – Tuesday 29 September at 2PM? Or Wednesday 7 October at 2 PM CEST?