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13 March 2020

1) CTF

Steering Committee
The call with the Steering Committee has been postponed. The committee was supposed to discuss the roadmap and the registration of the specialisation. GML will circulate a doodle to find a new date.

2) Policy updates

Input needed:

COVID-19 – information for HPs

  • The policy team can start working on the COVID ‘database’ next week.
  • Shall we collect information from members, including implementation ambassadors (they are usually very responsive)?

Medicines Shortages

  • 2019 Medicines Shortages Survey
    1st draft (see HERE) was shared with Board. Policy team is awaiting feedback. @ AB – since we are not launching the report anymore in Gothenburg, would you be ok with extending the deadline for feedback from the Board?

WHA request FIP

  • @ PH – Have you checked if you would be available to attend (17 May to 21 May)? 
  • FIP has sent the nomination from (see HERE). 

ASHP Meeting in December 2020 – poster submissions

  • So far the following interest was collected: Piera would like to attend and present EAHP’s 2020 Survey results; Tjalling will join (not as part of EAHP delegation) and could present something on FMD if needed.
  • Did any other Board member express interest/ put forward an idea for a poster?

European Association for Automated Dose Dispensing

  • The Irish consultant working on the EAADD project finally send some feedback that she promised to share ahead of our Board meeting (see HERE). In light of the discussion at the Board meeting, I will let her know that we decided not to engage. Ok?
  • Please note that the topic EAADD has also been put on the agenda for next week’s EMVO Stakeholder meeting by PGEU. I would wait until Tuesday afternoon before replying to her.

European Health Professionals Dialogue (EHPD)

  • The International Federation of Podiatrists (IFP) has reached out to a number of organisations including us, the European Federation of the Associations of Dietitians (EFAD), European Federation of Nurses Associations (EFN), Standing Liaison Committee of Speech and Language Therapists / Logopedists (CPLOL), Council of Occupational Therapists for the European Countries (COTEC), European Region World Confederation for Physiotherapy (ER-WCPT) to discuss the possibility of launching the “European Health Professionals Dialogue (EHPD)”.
  • A meeting is planned to be held in early April to
    formerly agree to launch the EHPD (agree on structure and governance)
    agree on the structure & content of a website
    the road ahead for the EHPD (Horizon Europe: possible areas of collaboration | DG Santé planning 2020: possible areas of collaboration | CHAFEA | EU Health Policy Platform | WHO European Region)
  • The only interesting organisation in this group if EFN. All others do little to no advocacy work. We are the most advanced and IFP reached out to us as well since we were previously in contact with them about CTF. What is your view on engaging?


  • @ PH are you joining PGEU’s High-Level Forum and Annual Conference (15-16 June)?


  • @ AB and PH – Any comments on the additions from ESOP (see report HERE)?

For information only:

Meeting with Health Commissioner

  • No feedback from the cabinet yet. The following dates were offered (provided that they suit the Commissioner): 15/4; 23/4 and 29/4. Scheduling of meetings with all Commissioners is currently on hold due to COVID-19.


  • Draft aggregation survey questions (see HERE), prepared together with PGEU and HOPE, were shared with EMVO.
  • Aggregation will be discussed at next week’s Stakeholder Meeting.

Medicines Shortages

  • 2019 Medicines Shortages Survey Launch Event on 29th April
    HKO has contacted MEP Knotek’s assistant to check about the likelihood of us having to postpone the meeting due the EP prolonging its COVID-19 measures.
  • Event with Affordable Medicines Europe/GIRP/EPHA in the EP
    SK is in contact with the other co-organisers to discuss postponement of the event.


  • Event with authorities on 28th April: Board leads and AS discussed the agenda and are currently preparing draft presentations and background notes for participants. The UK representative cancelled due to not being able to find a convenient flight.

EDQM – request on eye drops

  • Letter was sent at the end of February; EDQM confirmed receipt and is discussing the request with its experts. 

3) Consultations – state of play

Due date Type of consultation  Action
17/04/2020 EMA – reflection paper on Good Manufacturing Practice and Marketing Authorisation Holders Discussion with leads.
07/05/2020 COM – Beating Cancer Plan Public consultation Evaluation of possibility to respond. 
31/05/2020 Consultation on the White Paper on Artificial Intelligence – A European Approach HKO looking at questions with HP relevance.
31/05/2020 European Strategy for data HKO looking at questions with HP relevance.
? To be published – Roadmap for COM’s Pharmaceutical Strategy  

4) Congress

Prior to cancelling congress, EDQM and EMA already inquired about the possibility to hold the President’s guest meeting via conference call. @ PH – would it be ok with you if we schedule conferences with both agencies in April?

Next policy call – in 2 weeks (e.g. 25 March at 2 PM CET)?


EAHP Forum

All the EAHP team is working on providing a Forum that can help connect all the members in Conversations and Groups to talk about important matters for the European Hospital Pharmacist.

The Forum will be accessible for all the EAHP members, you don’t have to create a new account to browse and participate.

Conversations and groups

The Conversations will be moderated by our team to provide documents and relevant topics for the community.

The Groups will connect all members that share a category. Members who work on the same assocation, on the same hospital, that have the same role, etc.

Stay tuned for the realase of the forum. Soon on EAHP.