Policy Call_26 June 2024

 –Quick update on the EP elections:

    • Where things stand
    • Way forward

-Revision of the Pharma legislation – Council discussions

-Critical Medicines Alliance: update 

-Quick reports on recent meetings and events attended by the Policy team:

    • Committee of the Regions: Interregional group
    • EDQM press-briefing
    • European Policy Summit
    • First ENIPAR Meeting (AMR)
    • Digital health (including discussion on AI in healthcare consultation)

-EDQM survey on reconstituted medicines: update

-EMA – EAHP bilateral meeting

-Oath for society

-SoHO expert focus group


-MoU with SHPA (Australia)

-Catch Up with EAHP Webinars & Catch up meetings with EAHP Member presidents & delegates

-Congress partner tracks 


    • Quarterly meeting
    • Group on personalised medicine

-Proposal of collaboration with Utrecht University on compounding and personalised medicine at the EU level.

-Short bio of Board Members on the website


Policy Call_22 May

  1. Revision of the Pharma legislation
    1. Council discussions.
    2. EANM statement.
    3. Strategy and way forward.
  2. Critical Medicines Alliance: update on Working Group 1
  3. EMA
    1. Targeted consultation Union Critical Medicines List.
    2. Follow-up from side meeting in Bordeaux.
  4. EDQM
    1. 60th Anniversary
    2. Follow-up from side meeting in Bordeaux.
  5. EU4Health Public Consultation: Timeline.
  6. Meeting with PGEU.
  7. Politico Healthcare Summit 2024.
  8. APCO roundtable on ePI.
  9. EIPA event on digital health: update.
  10. Proposal of collaboration with Utrecht University.
  11. Update on PFAS
  12. AOBs (including EMVO GA)

2024 Board Elections

Board elections information (Please scroll down to see all information)

Board members’ terms – number of years served

Candidates’ supporting documents (listed by alphabetical order)

You may view the documents by clicking on the links.

Seven (7) board seats are open and we have 12 candidates running for election.

Candidates with an asterisk (*) indicates current board members running for re-election.

NAMECOUNTRYAssociation supportSupporting letterCVMotivation letter
Ana Lozano*SpainSpainPortugal YesYes 
Astrid Marie SantMaltaMaltaSlovakiaYesYes
Darija Kuruk Poje*CroatiaCroatia HungaryYesYes
Declan P. O’SullivanIrelandIreland UKYesYes
Despoina Makridaki* GreeceGreeceBulgariaYes Yes
Gerard HugenholtzNetherlandsNetherlandsSwitzerland Yes Yes
Håvard KirkevoldNorwayNorwaySweden YesYes
Louis Bertin*FranceFrance PolandYes  Yes
Marcela HeislerováCzech RepublicCzech RepublicLatviaYesYes 
Piera Polidori*ItalyItalyGreeceYesYes
Rosin O’HareUKUKIrelandYesYes
Slávka PorubcováSlovakiaSlovakiaCzech RepublicYesYes

Policy call_30 April 2024

  1. Update on CTF: discussions within the coalition and next steps.
  2. Anniversary of the Statements: update & discuss next steps.
  3. GS1 joint campaign on the World Safety Patients Day and next steps.
  4. EIPA’s invitation to speak at their event.
  5. Update from EANM.
  6. Meeting with PGEU on shortages position papers, possible dates.
  7. Update on the meetings of the past two weeks:
    1. Belgian Presidency Conference on Health-related Needs as Drivers for Healthcare Policy and Innovation.
    2. Meeting at the Committee of the Regions on shortages.
    3. Launch of the Critical Medicines Alliance and next steps.
    4. MDCG working group workshop.
    5. EMVO meetings.
  8. Follow-up on Congress side meetings with EMA and EDQM.
  9. Date of the next meeting.
  10. AOBs

Policy Call April 2

1) CTF

  • Update on latest development and meeting with the intensive doctors.
  • Next steps with the CTF Board certification programme pilot

2) Main legislative and non-legislative policy updates:

EU Pharma revision and related topic

3) Shortages

4) European Health data space

5) AMR

  1. Call for experts ECDC Advisory Forum – Deadline 4 April
  2. Multiple legislative initiative on animal health.
  3. Joint EFSA-ECDC report on AMR + request to become EFSA registered stakeholder

6) Anniversary of the Statements

Status and discuss dates for the meetings with the panellist. Also, these is who confirmed:
  • Marc Hermans (UEMS)
  • Charlotte Rofiaen (France Asso Sante)
  • Ber Omen (ESNO)
  • Catarina (EPSA)
  • EPF confirms this week

@Nenad, @Darija, @Andras have you checked flights already?

6) Follow up from Congress & presidents guests

7) AOB and pending issues

  • @Andras did you have time to check the press statement we prepared for the budget cuts?
  • @Andras, could you check dates for the virtual signing of the MoU with Taiwan (second half of April)
  • Request of collaboration from PGEU in replying to Ukrainian pharmacists and FIP who are seeking information on for adapting Ukrainian legislation to EU standards (see attached document).
  • Suggestion to prepare a short weekly newsletter for the board.
  • Update on upcoming tenders


Next dates? 22, 23, 24, 25 or April?

Automated Medication Management

About the SIG on Automated Medication Management

The SIG on Automated Medication Management (financially supported by Omnicell) is tasked with investigating the potential benefits of automation in the hospital setting in terms of patient safety, length of stay and staff efficiency for patient care and medication inventory management. Particular focus is put on addressing how automation in dispensing can help achieve one of the key objectives of the World Health Organisation, reducing medication errors.

Europe has no uniform standard of care approach for managing all aspects of medication within the hospital setting. While some countries are further ahead than others, there are no consistent guidelines or ways to share best practices. The work of the SIG, therefore, focused on two distinct areas: mapping the current situation in Europe by conducting a survey among European Hospital Pharmacists on the use of automated medication management and creating the European autonomous pharmacy framework.

Survey on Automated Medication Management

To support the work of the SIG a survey was designed aiming at the collection of views and opinions on the current and future use of automated medication management solutions. Individual hospital pharmacists were invited to complete this survey. The survey closed on the 31st of July 2022.

The SIG Survey analysed and assessed the status of automated medication management in Europe and investigated the benefits of automating medication management, particularly around the medication preparation/compounding/dispensing process and how technology best meets the needs of different hospital pharmacy workflows.

The EAHP SIG Survey report on Automated Medication Management can be found here.

European Autonomous Pharmacy Framework (Beta Version).

The European Autonomous Pharmacy Framework was created to share a practical vision for hospital pharmacies when it comes to improving automation. The Framework consists of 4 key components: Automation, Governance of Data and Interoperability, Project Management and Workforce Allocation. Within each of the four framework components, a scale of 5 levels illustrates the progress towards full automation on certain subcategories.

The different components can be found here:


Governance of Data and Interoperability

Project Management

Workforce Allocation

European Autonomous Pharmacy Framework Tool (Beta Version).

To asses your hospitals status and progress on the European Autonomous Pharmacy Framework, a tool has been created.

Find here the tool for MAC.

Find here the tool for Windows.

Country Reports

2024 EAHP General Assembly
6-8 June 2024

Country Reports 2024

Austria Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bulgaria Croatia Czech Republic
Denmark Estonia Finland
France Germany Greece
Hungary Iceland Ireland
Italy Latvia Lithuania
Luxembourg Malta Montenegro
Norway Poland Portugal
North Macedonia  Romania Serbia
Slovakia Slovenia Spain
Sweden Switzerland The Netherlands
Türkiye United Kingdom