FIP global statements on hospital pharmacy

The Global Conference on the Future of Hospital Pharmacy was hosted by the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) Hospital Pharmacy Section as part of the 68th Annual Congress of the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) on 30th and 31st August 2008. A total of 348 hospital pharmacists representing 98 nations met in Basel and successfully developed the attached consensus statements reflecting the profession’s preferred vision of practice in the hospital setting.

Prior to the conference, facilitators commissioned by the FIP Hospital Pharmacy Section prepared literature reviews on each of six topics, covering all areas of the medicine use process in hospitals, including the procurement of medicines, preparation and distribution, prescribing, administration of medicines, and the monitoring of patient outcomes. In addition, issues related to human resources and training were addressed. Medication safety was an important consideration in all consensus statement development.

Each facilitator also developed draft consensus statements for consideration. In advance of the Conference, all draft materials were circulated to working groups comprised of official representatives and other participants, and a “virtual dialogue” was conducted. Working group members exchanged comments and suggestions regarding these drafts via Email, allowing many statements to be refined in advance of the meeting in Basel.

The statements are listed in the documents below.

FIP First Global Conference on Hospital Pharmacy Statements:

Statements in English

Statements in German (courtesy of Elisabeth Amann, ADKA)


Last update: 26 May 2016